10 Must-Follow Trends in Corporate Video Production

Last Updated: 

July 29, 2024

As technology advances, the landscape of video production is changing. The era of one-size-fits-all videos is long gone. Nowadays, companies are embracing captivating video content to engage their audience effectively and convey their brand message with impact. This article delves into ten trends in video production that businesses should consider integrating into their marketing strategies.

Key Takeaways on Must-Follow Trends in Corporate Video Production

  1. Embrace Storytelling: Utilise narratives to create emotional connections with viewers, enhancing brand loyalty.
  2. Prioritise Authenticity: Feature real people and genuine stories to build trust and credibility among your audience.
  3. Leverage Live Streaming: Use platforms like Facebook Live and YouTube Live for real-time interactions, boosting engagement and providing an authentic viewer experience.
  4. Focus on Personalisation: Tailor video content to individual viewer preferences using data analytics, making communication more effective and personalised.
  5. Create Interactive Videos: Incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes and CTAs to increase viewer engagement and interaction.
  6. Utilise Explainer Videos: Simplify complex ideas with concise, informative videos that clearly demonstrate how your products or services solve problems.
  7. Optimise for Social Media: Design short clips or teasers specifically for social media platforms to maximise engagement and expand brand reach.
  8. Integrate Augmented Reality: Enhance viewer experiences with AR technology, providing immersive and interactive visual content.
  9. Incorporate Drone Filming: Use drones to capture unique perspectives, adding innovation and excitement to your videos.
  10. Design for Mobile: Ensure videos are mobile-friendly with captions, vertical orientation, and quick load times to reach a broader audience.
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1. Embracing Storytelling in Videos

Storytelling holds power in the realm of corporate videos. Instead of showcasing products or services, companies are leveraging videos to narrate compelling stories that evoke emotions and make a lasting impact on viewers. By incorporating narratives that resonate with their target audience with the help of professional corporate video production services, businesses can forge connections with their brand and boost customer loyalty.

2. Prioritising Authenticity

In today's consumer-driven world where authenticity reigns supreme, businesses must prioritise it in their videos well. Viewers gravitate towards stories over polished advertisements. Hence, it is vital for brands to feature individuals who share experiences and values that align with their target demographic. This approach cultivates trust and establishes credibility among viewers.

3. Live Streaming for Real-Time Interaction

The rise of live streaming has transformed how businesses connect with their audience using video content. Platforms such as Facebook Live, Instagram Live, and YouTube Live allow companies to host Q&A sessions, product demonstrations, sneak peek behind the scenes, and more in real time! By utilising streaming features, businesses can significantly enhance engagement levels while delivering an authentic experience to viewers.

4. Personalisation & Customisation

The era of videos is a thing of the past! With advancements in personalisation technology and data analytics tools, businesses should focus on tailoring their videos based on preferences and the demographics of their target audience. Customised videos not only make viewers feel important but also act as a mode of communication that aligns with each viewer’s specific needs and interests.

5. Interactive Videos for Increased Engagement

Videos often struggle to maintain viewers' interest for extended periods. To address this challenge, companies are now embracing videos to elevate user engagement levels. By integrating features, quizzes, and compelling calls to action into the video content, businesses can offer an immersive viewing experience that actively involves viewers and enhances the likelihood of them taking desired actions.

6. Explainer Videos for Enhanced Clarity

Explainer videos remain a popular choice in the realm of video production because of their effectiveness in simplifying complex ideas and making them more understandable to a broader audience. These concise yet informative videos excellently demonstrate how products or services address consumers' needs in a certain way. Explainer videos prove to be especially beneficial for businesses operating in the B2B sectors, where conveying concepts is essential.

7. Social Media Optimisation

Social media platforms provide a reach for companies seeking to distribute their corporate videos. To optimise their video content, businesses should create clips or teasers tailored specifically for social media platforms. By adjusting the format to meet the requirements of each platform and effectively targeting users, companies can achieve engagement levels while expanding their brand presence across social media channels.

8. Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

Augmented reality has transcended its association with gaming and is now making its mark in corporate video production as well! Companies are incorporating AR technology into their videos to further enrich experiences. Whether it involves presenting virtual product demonstrations or enabling customers to visualise how a product fits into their surroundings before making a purchase decision, AR creates experiences that leave a lasting impression on viewers.

9. Drone Filming for Exceptional Perspectives

Utilising drones for filming provides businesses with the opportunity to capture views that offer new angles on landscapes, events, or products in a visually striking manner. With drone technology becoming more accessible and cost-effective, integrating drone filming into videos adds an element of innovation and excitement that can engage viewers and deliver a visual experience.

10. Mobile Friendly Design for Increased Reach

In response to the surge in usage, brands need to optimise their corporate videos for mobile devices. This involves incorporating captions or subtitles, creating oriented videos for viewing on mobile screens, and ensuring quick loading times to enhance the overall user experience. By prioritising mobile marketing and design, businesses can significantly expand their audience reach and connect with viewers anytime, anywhere.


In today's evolving landscape, video content has emerged as a potent tool for businesses aiming to engage their audience. By staying abreast of the trends in video production, companies can enhance their marketing strategies and make a lasting impact on viewers. From crafting narratives to offering personalised experiences, the realm of corporate videos has undergone substantial evolution. Brands are now leveraging live streaming, augmented reality, and drone filming to interact with their audience in captivating ways.

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