Useful Tips to Make Your Business Plan Writing a Success

Last Updated: 

June 27, 2023

A business plan for a business can help solidify ideas and kick-start the business in high gear.

Most business startup entrepreneurs are terrified of the business plan. It seems like one more hurdle that lenders throw out, so they can turn down a loan application. The truth is that there are some very good reasons for writing a business plan-even when the business owner is not looking for a loan. Consider the reasons that banks ask for a business plan.

The standard format for a business plan is designed to organise everything the business owner knows about his proposed business and present it in a form that's easy to digest, like an essay or paper. In this case, some entrepreneurs need experienced essay writers, so they look for special services that can do it for them.  The format makes it easy to organise plans and ideas into a cohesive plan for business success.

Here's a quick look at how each section of the standard business plan can help get a business off to a great start- or back on track.

Key Takeaways on Making Your Business Plan a Success:

  1. Consider a Business Plan Essential: It organises your ideas and presents them in a digestible form, not only for lenders but also for you as the entrepreneur.
  2. Executive Summary: Summarise your business idea and why it will work in a few paragraphs, written after all other parts.
  3. Background: Evaluate qualifications and determine the best roles for all involved by describing the history of the business and its team.
  4. Current Situation: Assess your strengths and weaknesses and outline necessary steps to achieve your business goals.
  5. Future Plans: Lay out specific, measurable objectives for the business instead of vague goals.
  6. Description of Business: Go into detail about how the products or services will be developed, sourced, and distributed.
  7. Market Analysis: Evaluate competition and prospective customers to define the best ways to reach the market.
  8. Marketing Plan: Develop this from your market and risk analysis, addressing publicity, advertising avenues, pricing, and potential market gaps.
  9. Risk Analysis: Identify potential risks faced by your business and develop management plans to mitigate or avoid them.
  10. Financial Statements: Be realistic when figuring out profit margins and break-even lines, much like working on a household budget.
  11. Research and Clear Objectives: Conduct market research and keep an end goal in mind when writing your business plan.
  12. Realistic Financial Forecasts: Develop these using the data from your market research.
  13. Consider the Competition: Understand your competitors' position in the market and anticipate their reactions to your business.
  14. Emphasise Your Unique Proposition: Highlight what makes your business better than the competition.
  15. Take Risks: Demonstrate that you're open to risk-taking, just as your investors are.
  16. Consider Professional Help: If needed, hire professional business plan writing services to increase the chances of attracting investors.

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Executive Summary - Key Ideas for the Business Plan

The executive summary allows the business owner to sum up the business idea and why it will work in a few paragraphs. It should be written after all the other parts and will help put all the important pieces together.


Describing the history of the business and the people involved offers an opportunity to evaluate qualifications and sort out the best roles for everyone involved.

Current Situation

Evaluating the current situation is a great opportunity to describe the strengths and weaknesses, as well as to make a case for the steps needed to achieve business goals and success.

Future Plans

This section is the ideal place to express measurable objectives and goals for the business. "Making a lot of money" may be a goal, but it's hard to measure and doesn't give much guidance on how the end of things. Instead, ask to lay out specific goals such as

  • increase sales to local college students by 10%
  • secure 10 new clients in the next three months
  • reduce advertising budget by 15% per month by taking advantage of free PR opportunities

Description of Business for Business Plan

Saying the business sells widgets aren't going to be good enough for the bank, and it shouldn't be good enough for the business plan, either. Go into detail about how the products will be developed, sourced, and distributed.

Business Plan Market Analysis

A thorough market analysis is an excellent way to choose a business niche and decide on a marketing strategy for a successful business launch or re-launch. Evaluating the competition and the prospective customers makes it easier to define the best ways to reach the market and outshine the competition.

Marketing Plan

The business marketing plan is the heart of the business plan. It will grow naturally from the market and risk analysis. It should answer important questions like:

  • What publicity and advertising avenues can be leveraged?
  • How will the product be priced?
  • How will the business take advantage of gaps identified in the market analysis?

Risk Analysis

Analyzing risks is a vital part of the plan. Identifying the potential risks faced by the business will help develop a management plan to mitigate or avoid them. For instance, if a vehicle is an essential part of the business, a mechanical breakdown is a risk. It can be managed with an insurance policy that provides backup transportation when needed.

Financial Statements for a Business Plan

Surprisingly, the financial statements are the easiest part of a business plan to work out. It's not much different than working on a household budget. Keep in mind that the key is to be realistic when figuring out profit margins and break-even lines.

Keep an End Goal in Mind and Do the Necessary Research

Having a clear objective is the most important step in starting your business plan. If you have an end goal, you will be able to execute your business plan writing correctly. Doing a little market research goes a long way before starting with your business plan writing. Communicate with your customers by doing surveys. Start focus groups to find out the needs of the customers and how to fulfill those needs.

Set Realistic Financial Forecasts to Succeed in Business Plan Writing

It is important to spend a decent amount of time developing a realistic financial forecast. Use the data you have collected from your market research in other areas of the business plan writing process. It can be quite a challenge to make your perfunctory financial statements, but it is essential. It can help to ask for assistance from a reliable lawyer or accountant.

Be Conscious of the Competition

Many business owners make the common mistake of ignoring the competition. Disregarding your competitors is a sure way to fail. Study competitors' current place in the market and which direction they're heading. Make a forecast on their reaction if they learn about the products or services you offer.

Emphasise Your Edge Over Competitors

Emphasising what makes you different is essential if you want to bring about interest in your business. Make sure to emphasize what makes your products or services better than what's currently in the market. Asking for the opinion of a third party can help you improve the areas of your business plan.

Never Be Afraid to Take Risks

Starting a business requires your time and money. Be open to the fact that you may never profit from the time and money you invest. Investors take risks by committing their money to fund your business. Show them that you are also open to taking risks and this should be included in your business plan.

If you’re not confident with your skills in writing a business plan, you can hire a company that offers business plan writing services at reasonable rates. Using business plan writing services increases the chances of your business attracting investors.

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