Tips for Designing Branded Folders for Corporate Events

Last Updated: 

August 1, 2024

Initially, branded folders (also known as presentation folders) were used primarily for document organisation. But that was long before business professionals acknowledged the full potential these folders can bring to their marketing campaigns.  

Presentation folders have since become one of the most effective ways for brands to showcase themselves. The folders are particularly beloved for being a low-cost, discrete form of business advertisement.  

However, a little creativity is necessary for your branded folders to create the desired first impression. And that’s where this article comes in.  

Read below for expert tips when designing branded folders for corporate events.

Key Takeaways on Designing Branded Folders

  1. Choose a Reputable Printing Company: Selecting a reliable printing company is essential for quality branded folders. Look for providers with a strong industry presence, positive reviews, and advanced printing technologies.
  2. Select Appropriate Material: Opt for high-quality, durable materials like 350 gsm paper with a scratch-resistant finish to ensure your branded folder is both professional and long-lasting.
  3. Consider Folder Size: Ensure your folder is large enough to accommodate various documents, such as a standard 9”x12” size, and use appropriately sized fonts for visibility.
  4. Incorporate Key Branding Elements: Include essential branding elements like your company’s name, logo, slogan, and contact information, using your signature fonts and colour schemes.
  5. Pick a Legible Font: Use clear and legible fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Helvetica to ensure your company’s information is easy to read.
  6. Maintain Colour Consistency: Stick to your company’s established colour palette to ensure uniformity and brand recognition.
  7. Choose a Suitable Finish: Decide between glossy and matte finishes based on the event’s environment and your brand’s image. Matte finishes are better for high-end brands and environments with bright lighting.
  8. Add Compartments for Organisation: Include multiple compartments in your branded folders for organising different materials, such as brochures, business cards, and contracts.
  9. Embrace Sustainability: Use eco-friendly materials to demonstrate your company’s commitment to sustainability, which can resonate well with environmentally conscious consumers.
  10. Know What to Include: Tailor the contents of your branded folders to the specific corporate event and target audience, whether it’s product descriptions for potential customers or company summaries for business partners.
Want to Close Bigger Deals?

1. Choose a Reputable Printing Company 

The internet has democratised access to branded folder printing service providers. A subtle online search will pull up tons of e-commerce companies that offer premium printing services. However, due diligence is critical in choosing a company that suits your business needs.  

Pick an entity with a reasonably long industry presence and one that enjoys impressive reviews from its past clients. Understanding their printing technologies, shipping & return policies, and pricing plans is also prudent.  

For over 15 years, has established itself as the go-to platform for all business printing solutions. The company promises high-quality branded folder printing services at reasonably competitive rates. You can choose from multiple printing technologies, including digital, large-format, and offset printing.  

2. Select an Appropriate Material 

The material on which your branded folder is printed impacts its aesthetics and durability. While there are multiple options to choose from, experts recommend premium, heavy-duty stock with at least 350 gsm (grams per square metre).  

A 350 gsm paper is remarkably durable. The high thickness can also add an extra touch of professionalism to your branded folder.  

For extended durability, insist on a material with a scratch-resistant finish. 

3. Size Matters 

Size may not mean much in some contexts, but it really does matter when designing your branded folder.  

First, the desired folder should be large enough to house a variety of business documents, including voluminous ones like contracts. Experts recommend a folder measuring 9”x12.”  

Size also relates to the fonts used for the branding materials. The prints, mainly your company’s logo, should be fairly visible across the room. 

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4. Determine the Branding Elements to Incorporate 

Every company has a name and contact information. Most also have a logo, imagery, tagline or catchphrase, colour palette, and preferred typography.  

It would be excellent to incorporate all these branding elements into your presentation folder. However, that would depend on the available space.  

Prioritise your company’s name, logo, slogan, and contact information. Needless to mention, the prints must be in your signature fonts and colour schemes. 

5. Pick a Legible Font 

Font size isn’t the only key typographical aspect to consider when designing your presentation folder. Pay attention to the font style as well.  

Generally, the prints on your branded folders should appear in your company’s official fonts. If your business uses a variety of typefaces, opt for the most legible ones for your presentation folders. Arial, Calibri, Verdana, and Helvetica are excellent options.  

You don’t want the recipient struggling to read your company’s name or contact information. 

6. Maintain Colour Consistency 

Most e-commerce printing companies will ask you to pick your preferred colours if you order presentation folders in bulk.  

It’s intuitive to play around with multiple shades and hues.  

But to maintain uniformity, it’s best to stick to the colours your company already identifies with. That’s particularly true for the colours used on the branding information. 

7. Choose a Suitable Finish 

Most presentation folders have glossy or matte finishes, each of which can significantly impact the folder’s performance and aesthetics.  

Glossy finishes are beloved for their brighter sheens. However, that very feature makes them unideal for environments with intense light.  

Matte finishes have better light-handling properties due to their muted appearance. Consider this option if designing a presentational folder for a high-end brand. 

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