The Million Pound Product Launch - Jen Hall

Last Updated: 

October 24, 2022

Want to Close Bigger Deals?

Jen Hall is a Business Positioning Coach & Market Leadership Expert Helping successful entrepreneurs become market-leading future proof business owners.

She’s a multi-business owner herself including running a market-leading multi-7 fig adventure travel company, she’s the best-selling author of Expert Unrivalled and has been featured on the BBC, Thrive Global & Psychologies Magazine & was recently invited to a guest expert on Janet Murray’s top-ranking podcast.

Based in Wales with her daughter and partner in crime she works with entrepreneurs all over the world.

What we will be discussing today

  • Differentiation Niche Market leadership

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Robin Waite · #50 - The £1.5 Million Product Launch - Jen Hall

The £1.5 Million Product Launch

To mark episode 50 of the Fearless Business podcast, Jen Hall, a business positioning coach & market leadership expert, joins Robin to discuss how to create market-leading, future-proof businesses and her journey so far.

Jen’s story is a sign that even during a pandemic, there is success to be had. When running a launch campaign for a client specialising in high altitude tracking, the initial marketing budget investment of £300 returned over £80,000. The client had been running for about 4 years at this point, and the campaign that Jen worked on had been tried and tested and run 3 to 4 times a year. The foundations were strong, so she knew they would see a return on investment, but the amount of return was the most phenomenal result. Based on the statistics from the campaign so far, they invested £11,000 and within 14 days, they had reached £1.5 million.

Not an overnight success

Investing a larger marketing budget into a campaign may seem like a quick and easy way to bring in a far greater ROI. It’s far from simple though. Jen’s success has come from 4 years of analysing the numbers, understanding conversation rates, and refining advertising campaigns.

It’s not just the campaign either, but what goes into them. There is content to work on, how you position yourself, niching down, and understanding your ideal client and any objections.

Without the foundations and strategy in place, then your campaign won’t work. Testing is a big part of creating a campaign and a strategy that works for one business might not work for another.

Niching down

Before Jen pivoted to her current role as a business positioning coach & market leadership expert, she ran a couple of other businesses including life purpose coaching and teaching business. She realised that it wasn’t taking her where she wanted to go though, and decided to really niche down and use her passion, which in turn allowed her to be more strategic and technical with her work.

Jen says that the reason businesses aren’t making traction is because they are not niching down enough, and since her own work is now centred around helping other businesses find their niche, they have gone on to suddenly make far more traction and see more clients coming to them.

Why niche?

“If you speak to everyone, you speak to nobody” - Jen Hall

This is why niching matters from Jen’s perspective. With the internet ever evolving, people have access to specialists who are the top experts in the field they need support in. If you have the option between a specialist and a generalist, you would choose the specialist and that is why having a niche is so important.

From a messaging perspective, your niche means people can really understand you and why you are the best person to help them. Having a niche does not mean you are removing an audience, but rather creating one.

Your USP and becoming an expert

To help you find clarity, you can start off by writing a statement such as ‘I specialise in your expertise helping your ideal client to what your clients want to gain or the problem they want to solve’. Once you have done this, you can then inject your own personality and branding into it, to make you stand out and bring your uniqueness across. It is good to keep summaries such as this short and sweet. The more detail you try and fit in, the harder it will be for people to understand.

It is important to bear in mind that your uniqueness does not come from your area of work or your niche. There is always going to be someone doing something similar to you. Don’t let this put you off though. If someone is doing something similar, that shows there is a need for it in the market and validates your aim.

What makes you stand out is your unique selling point and how you productise your USP. It is about creating something within your business, naming and trademarking it, and making something as tangible as possible. This will become the thing which sets you apart in your field. Positioning yourself as the expert to go to in your niche requires time and energy to develop your USP. Having those systems and processes in place to productise your unique offerings is worth it though. You are bringing a transformation to your clients and you can only do that if you have the systems to do it with.

Want to hear even more of Jen’s advice and entrepreneur journey? Listen to this full episode for more tips and inspiration.

How to Get Hold of Jen

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