The Anatomy Of An Unforgettable Brand

Last Updated: 

January 16, 2025

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Imagine if you were able to make your brand totally unforgettable. Prospects would see it once, and then never forget it. 

It sounds like a pipe dream. But it could actually become your reality. After all, countless companies have done it in the past. They’ve taken a simple idea and run with it, creating something people remember forever.

Red Bull is a good example of this in practice. In 2000, the brand was virtually unknown. Then it launched its iconic “Red Bull gives you wings” adverts which turned it into a multi-billion-dollar operation overnight. 

Unforgetable Brands
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Other brands do similar things in niche spaces. ENVE, for instance, is well known in the cycling world for making some of the best wheels ever. It made a name for itself by introducing carbon-rimmed wheelsets to the mountain biking market. And it also instantly established itself as a premium offering by charging ridiculously high prices. The strategy, strangely, worked. 

So what does your company need to do to build an unforgettable brand? Here’s our advice. 

Say Something Nobody Was Willing To Say Before

Why did Red Bull's “gives you wings” slogan have such a massive impact when it first came out? The answer is simple: it went somewhere other brands didn’t want to go. 

Specifically, Red Bull actively touted the fact that its products contain a lot of stimulants. It told people about the change in consciousness they could experience when they consumed its products. It was a bold move, but one that worked. It didn’t shy away from what it was trying to sell.

Granted, pumping people up on stimulants, like caffeine, isn’t ideal. And many people have suffered because of Red Bull’s products. However, the brand knew that it had to break new ground to have an impact. If it didn’t do that, then it would have fallen behind the other brands trying to do something similar. 

Nobody is suggesting that you need to do something ethically questionable. But it does help if you can come out and say something people haven’t heard before. 

Make Your Brand “Melt-In-The-Mouth” Irresistible

Food companies (and some other industries) focus on instilling a desire in their customers. They want their patrons to think of nothing else other than their products. 

Haagen Dazs is perhaps the best example of this. It turned its products into desirable icons simply by presenting them as irresistible. Images of people salivating and enjoying themselves while consuming the company’s products worked a treat. 

Even some grocery stores have started doing this. M&S in the UK, for instance, turned its whole offering into a premium experience. A series of expertly-filmed food scenes turned the store into an overnight success. Everyone wanted to shop there, and nobody could forget the marketing. 

Convey Your Purpose And Story

Brands also need a purpose and story. There needs to be a narrative that audiences can tap into to help them better understand the brand. 

Firms across sectors have been trying to do this for decades, but there are some brands that are considerably better than others. Tesla, for instance, grew from nothing to a trillion-dollar operation in the space of a decade by doing just that. 

The company is chronically overvalued. But it will likely stay that way because investors and consumers believe fervently in what it is doing. The company had a purpose - to transition the world away from fossil fuels. And a story - to build electric cars that are more fun to drive than their regular internal combustion engine counterparts. 

These two elements have helped to create something of a cult following among Tesla fans. Even people who don’t own its vehicles love the company and want to be a part of it. 

Tesla, for instance, is one of the only companies in the world still able to draw crowds. People want to hear Elon Musk talk about the latest developments at the firm, its future products, and where it wants to take electric vehicles next. This level of excitement is only possible because of the direction that the brand wants to take the world. Mercedes also makes electric vehicles, but its CEO can’t attract thousands of people pumped about what the future holds. 

Create Memorable Experiences

Experience marketing is becoming more popular. Companies know that immersing consumers in their brands is one of the best ways to have an impact. 

Knowing this, a lot of brands are now throwing events. Going back to Red Bull, the company often hosts extreme sports and then markets its drinks at the same time. 

Your brand can do the same. You can organise some sort of experiential day for your audience so that they never forget your brand or what you can do for them. 

There are all sorts of ways to create a memorable experience. One option is to rent out a conference building and put on a series of lectures. You could also put on a music event with lights, custom balloons, and a range of talented guest acts. 

Whatever it is, make sure that you associate it with your brand. Find a way to help your customers connect the dots. 

Make Your Emails Special Every Time

Companies think that marketing emails are process-driven. They need to send them out every couple of days or so to keep people interested. 

And, to some extent, that’s true. 

However, the best marketing emails are those that offer something special to customers. For instance, BuyWholeFoodsOnline never sends out marketing emails unless it has some unbelievable offer for its customers. For instance, the brand regularly sends out mail offering clients free 1kg bags of almonds (worth about $20) if they buy more than $50 worth of ingredients. It’s these kinds of unbeatable offers that keep people going back to the brand for more. 

If you send out tantalising emails, you’ll achieve two things. First, you’ll get more business right off the bat without having to spend a fortune on PPC. And, second, more people will open your emails because they know they always offer value. 

Turn Every Client Into A VIP

Companies that segregate their clients are making a fundamental mistake. Transport firms have always been bad at this. First-class customers get all the pampering they want while “economy” clients are lucky if they get a glass of water to soothe their parched throats. 

At your business, you’ll want to avoid this sort of behavior. By all means, offer value and premium products and services. But don’t make your customers feel like they’re getting substandard treatment, just because they’re spending a little less. Make them feel like VIPs. Always communicate with them and show them respect. Don’t keep them waiting longer, just because they are paying less. 

You can also include your clients in your literature and blog posts. For instance, you can talk about how you helped them as part of your portfolio. This will enable you to build an ever deeper connection with them and encourage them to keep coming back to you, time after time. 


Unforgettable brands are rare so many small businesses assume they cannot copy them. But that’s just perception. The truth is that there’s room for memorable brands in every niche, not just those already occupied. 

To achieve what Red Bull, Apple, and Tesla have done, make sure that you build your brand from the ground up. Give it something unique that sets it apart. Try to combine it with a wider mission that helps you align your values with your audience.

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