Quick Tips To Get Your Business Into Shape

Last Updated: 

October 19, 2022

Online Business Startup

Productivity is a big deal. It's absolutely connected to efficiency, doing more quicker and at a lower cost. With the increasing demands of today, nothing is more important than the proper organisation of your business. Because an organised business is a productive business and a professional one too. Here are some tips to assist you on your way.

Clean your desk

Even if you do not mind a little chaos, clutter can increase your daily stress. We cause confusion when we think that everything on our desk is important. Throw away anything that is outdated or no longer useful to you. For example:

  • Recycle broken electronics that you may have hidden even in a closet.
  • Delete all those old voice messages.
  • Donate something you do not need and keep only what is important and necessary for your work. Everything else can be thrown away.

When your workplace is clean and tidy, you will enjoy the time you spend in your office and you will not waste time looking through piles of junk.

Organise your files

One study found that the average employee spends more than 4 hours a week looking for their papers. Check your archives and throw away anything that is outdated or no longer relevant to your business. If you are worried that one day you may need four-year-old notes from a client project, then scan the original documents and save them to your computer and discard the original paper files to free up more space. Organise all areas of business too. For example if you have a warehouse, be sure that you are improving its function. With tips to improve your warehouse efficiency,you can certainly make good changes.

Use the Cloud to store and distribute your files

If you have not already done so, start using cloud-based tools to share and save your documents. For example, Google Drive lets you store up to 15 GB of data for free, while giving your customers or colleagues the ability to collaborate and access file sharing. Some other similar tools are Dropbox, iCloud and OneDrive. With your files "uploaded" to the cloud, you keep your personal storage space clean and save valuable time spent sending documents (back and forth) via email.

Tidy up your social media profiles

Your social media profile should not be inactive or out of date. To do this easily and quickly use social media software.

First you need to make a record of the social media in which your business is present. It does not make sense to have multiple profiles Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr and Instagram if they are not active and up to date. Stop updating them with manual feeds. Invest your time wisely using software that can automate much of your social presence. Buffer, Hootsuite and Sprout Social are some of the tools that can escalate your actions and automatically send bulk updates to all the social media accounts being maintained, thus saving valuable time throughout the week or month.

Manage time, one task at a time instead of Multitasking

Several studies have shown that multitasking can actually lead to a waste of about 20-40 percent of our time, depending on what we are trying to do. The reason multitasking doesn't work is because we can't really focus on more than one thing at a time.

Photo by Nikolay Tarashchenko on Unsplash

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