Purpose Driven Achievement - Gary L Smith

Last Updated: 

October 17, 2022

Want to Close Bigger Deals?

Gary Smith is the founder of Gary L. Smith, LLC. As a businessman and entrepreneur for over 45 years, Gary’s drive is to help businesses and individuals live happier, more fulfilled lives, create massive impact, and leave meaningful legacies.

Through his diverse business career, Gary has consulted with and presented to people around the world. Whether developing a global technology plan for an international medical corporation, teaching the principles of strategic planning to a church board, conducting a seminar on team-building for the management staff of a continuing care retirement community, or helping a group of senior executives enhance their time management skills, Gary creates an atmosphere of passion and enthusiasm, combined with caring and insight, as he leads people to a new level of desire and equips them with the tools to succeed in the attainment of their goals.

Gary is the author of several books, including his latest work – Purpose Driven Achievement: A common sense approach to effectively using purpose, energy, planning, and execution to achieve your most ambitious business and personal dreams.

Gary is a business consultant, business and personal coach, author, and a professional speaker

What we will be discussing today

  • Profitability
  • Improving Business Performance
  • Productivity
  • Cost Reduction
  • Team Building and Leadership
  • Customer Service

Listen to the Full Episode

Purpose Driven Achievement

Robin Waite welcomes business coach, author, speaker, and successful entrepreneur Gary L Smith on this episode of the Fearless Business Podcast. Deemed by Robin as a “Business Veteran”, Gary shares his passion and enthusiasm for helping clients achieve their goals through a method he calls “Purpose Driven Achievement”.

What is Purpose Driven Achievement?

According to Gary, his term “Purpose Driven Achievement” derived from his experiences working with clients as a coach. He noticed that many of his clients were setting up businesses and finding success but ultimately, there was no personal fulfilment. Furthermore, he found that many had failed to recognise or had forgotten why they initially set up their businesses. This was where he came up with “Purpose Driven Achievement”, a process in which Gary gets his clients to primarily focus on what drives them in their business (aside from monetary purposes) which, in time, allows them to become more successful and achieve better results.

Refocusing and Finding Your Purpose

So what exactly is the process?

In order to find their purpose, Gary often takes his clients through various exercises, asking deep, personal questions such as “you’ve been given 24 hours to live, what would you like to be remembered for?” or “what are the things people say about you vs the things you really want them to say?” this then allows clients to refocus and uncover the moral values that truly drive them in life and consequently within their business.

“I want you to get to that point where money is no longer a necessity for you; find out what it is that REALLY gets you out of bed each day.”

Going through this process helps clients recalibrate and re-establish their drive within their business, and it also reduces the chances of business overwhelm and burnout. As Robin touches upon, in a time of increasing pressures thanks to the likes of the internet and the new age of social media, it’s essential to take that time out for yourself to honestly think about what you what and align yourself.

How it Affects Business Values

Gary claims that the mindset of Purpose Driven Achievement has also bled into elements of entrepreneurship that may not seem relevant. He uses the hiring process as an example. When it comes to recruiting, Gary recommends hiring the personality over the CV.

Hiring a candidate based on their personality rather than prioritising experience allows recruiters and CEOs to recognise a candidates potential by finding out what drives them. Recruiters can then use this to see if a candidate’s values align with the companies or the CEOs, which will produce great results for the company and save any personality clashes further down the line. As Gary puts it, if a candidate lacks the skills necessary, you can always train and teach them later. However, if their morals aren’t similar to that of the companies, then there is a fundamental difference, which will hinder the companies success.

The Difference Between a Coach and Consultant

Gary regularly works as both a coach and consultant. But in an industry that’s growing at an incredibly fast rate, it’s hard to differentiate between the two. So what is the difference?

Gary explains that when someone hires a consultant, their job is to work as a problem solver. Therefore, people seek specific solutions with which the right consultant can answer. When someone hires a coach, the process is different. Coaches act as a mentor rather than a problem solver. Sure, some will probably give you some quick fixes that you can work upon within your business, but the coaching process is more of a journey. The bottom line is if you are looking for quick solutions, opt with a consultant, whereas if you are more looking towards the mentorship side of things, opt for a coach as they can serve as a guide.


Check out Gary’s recent release ‘Purpose Driven Achievement’
>> https://amzn.to/3gfsCCq

How to Get Hold of Gary

LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/smithgaryl
Facebook - www.facebook.com/GaryLSmithLLC
Instagram - www.instagram.com/gary_l_smith/
Website - www.GaryLSmith.com

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