Productivity Tips For Your Team

Last Updated: 

October 18, 2022

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Working together well as a team is such an important part of management. When looking to make the most of your team and their skills, ensuring productivity in the workplace is crucial. Today we want to talk about productivity and how you can ensure that your team is able to work their best for you, and that you are also able to enjoy a productive working day.

Get some fresh air

One thing that can often be overlooked for those working in an office is the value of fresh air and sunshine. By having a small chunk of time out of your day where people are able to sit outside and soak in some sun - you can improve the overall mood and morale in the office and this leads to better productivity. Hosting your morning meeting outside on the roof terrace or garden can be a great way to integrate some fresh air into your morning routine and it will help wake people up and set them up for a good day of working.

Use a scheduling tool

One way to help improve productivity in the office or elsewhere is the use a crew scheduling tool to ensure everyone knows their role, when they are needed, and for how long. This is something that will help your team coordinate things such as days off and it will help them be more productive at work as they prepare better for their shift.

Allow flexibility

As a modern manager, you need to join the many people who value flexibility in their working lives. It is simply not the way anymore for people to work at the same time of the day, to only work in the office, and to be held to strict rules. It is important to consider work-life balance and allow mums to pick up their children from school, allow people who prefer working early to start early and allow those who need to to stay at home. By offering this level of flexibility everyone in your workplace can find a working flow that suits them and they will be much more productive as a result.

Have a morning briefing

One way to help ensure productivity in the office is to catch up with your co-workers in the morning and see where everyone is up to with their projects. This way, you’ll be able to air out any concerns people might have, you can catch up and understand what’s going on in your team, and everyone can get clear on what needs to be achieved in the day.

Clear desk = clear mind

It is important to consider when trying to be productive that mess is the enemy of productivity. If your desks are messy and you can never find any of your work, you’ll waste time trying to find things instead of working. Also, you’ll notice that when you do start to colour code and file items everyone will feel clearer in their minds and will be better organised when carrying out daily duties.

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