Productivity: How to Boost It In Your Workplace

Last Updated: 

October 30, 2022

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When you run a business, you pour your heart and soul into it. You’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that your business stays up and running and generates as much profit as possible at all times. At the end of the day, the whole point of investing time, effort and money into this venture is to make sure that it’s a success - providing the public with products and services they want and need, keeping your employees in a job and generating enough money to provide yourself with the quality of life that you want.

Of course, one thing will help to determine your success in all of these areas, and that’s your business’ productivity. Success doesn’t come by itself. Instead, you and your team are going to have to be as productive as possible in order to complete all of the different stages running between coming up with a product idea and securing a sale at the end of the line.

You’ll have to be productive in areas ranging from product design to product development, market research, branding, manufacturing, packaging, order fulfilment, marketing, advertising, customer service and so much more. But how can you boost productivity in your workplace? The good news is that there are countless options that could help you to achieve this goal. Here are some that you might want to take into consideration.

A Positive Working Environment

You need to make sure that you’re providing your team with a productive and positive working environment. Sure, it can be tempting to cut operation costs by getting the lowest cost office and providing the bare basics when it comes to furniture and decoration. But countless studies and reports have found that productive working environments that have had care put into their design can result in much more productivity from your staff. Think of an element as simple as natural light.

Countless businesses are in buildings with small windows and a lot of artificial lighting due to a lack of windows. But natural light can have a profound impact on how much energy your team has throughout the day. Natural light regulates our circadian rhythms, meaning that when it is bright and light, we automatically wake up and perk up, as our bodies know that it’s daytime and time to be productive. When we are devoid of natural light, our bodies begin to think that it’s the night and it’s time to wind down and rest.

Make sure to have an office space flooded with natural light. Then consider things that will help to keep your staff positive throughout the day. Make sure you have some sort of break room where they can take a break from their work and recuperate and relax here and there. Whether that’s on their lunch break or one of their coffee breaks - or even after a particularly long and hard meeting where they now need to get their thoughts together.


Staff who are constantly learning and feel confident in their skills are going to be a lot more productive than those who feel left behind and like they’re winging it.

This is where training comes in particularly useful. You should offer your staff continuous training and personal development, as this will ensure that they know what they need for their role, are up to date with their field of specialism and that they also feel confident in themselves.

The type of training that will best suit each staff member will depend on what is expected of them and what will prove useful to them and your business as a whole. There are courses out there to cover all topics, from Lean Six Sigma Green Belt to cybersecurity training, health and safety training, CPR, management training courses and so much more.

Make sure to browse different options and to actively collaborate with your staff when you’re looking for courses to suit their needs. They may be aware of an area they want and need to develop in that you wouldn’t have known about or thought about yourself.

Team Building

Sure, individual brilliance is admirable. But your business is like a clock and your staff are like cogs. Every cog in the clock has to work together to keep the entire thing running on time. This is why team building is so important.

Team building gives your employees a chance to break the ice, get to know each other and bond, opening up pathways of communication that will help them to collaborate on projects and maximise your business’ productivity.

Now, at first, people may be reluctant to get engaged in team-building activities. They can be awkward at first and some people, particularly introverts, may become embarrassed. But once you’ve got past this stage, everything should be positive. Now, there are countless different approaches you can take to team building.

You can consider regular, but short, engagements, such as team coffee breaks where everyone takes fifteen minutes to half an hour to chat and get to know each other better. You could choose a topic of conversation and everyone can discuss for a short while. You can take an hour out every month or once every two weeks to do a longer team building activity, maybe a puzzle or game that everyone can get involved in.

Some businesses also like to do a larger scale event on an annual basis, where staff leave the office together and engage in a fun organised activity. The best type of activity will depend on your staff and their individual preferences and needs.

There really are countless areas that you can focus on when it comes to boosting productivity in your business - and each will really bring something to the table that’s worth investing in. So, as a business owner, it’s important to do your research and determine which options will best tick the boxes of your business and your team. Make sure to consider all options, talk to your staff and come up with a budget that allows for improving productivity in your workplace on an ongoing basis!

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