Looking for Job Security? Consider These 5 Career Change Ideas

Last Updated: 

April 17, 2023

Want to Close Bigger Deals?

It's no secret that the world is experiencing a hugely turbulent time right now. One of the top concerns people have at the moment is how their income and employment could be affected by the sudden and unpredictable changes around them. What might once have seemed like a sensible line of work could now be at risk due to the changing demands and priorities of society. It's understandable that many are seeking a change of career in light of these shifts, so take a look at these secure career paths and perhaps find inspiration for the future.


Since the dawn of the digital age, the need for people adept at learning new coding languages and creating software to improve systems has been consistently growing. If you have a knack for understanding information technology and how improving these processes can lead to significant change in society as a whole, changing to a career in software development might be perfect for you. People in these types of role tend to be well compensated for their time and skills, as well as able to enjoy relative job security due to the high level of demand.

Warehouse Jobs

Since we all became confined to our homes for an unexpectedly long period of time, online shopping in all its forms has become hugely popular. Of course, these trends were already increasing beforehand, but recent times have definitely shown a spike in people ordering items directly to their homes. Behind the scenes there are people and businesses making this all work smoothly and one of the sectors constantly seeking new recruits is warehousing. The demand for consumer goods from food to entertainment relies upon efficient warehouse staff and management. Working in a warehouse could be precisely the change of career you're looking for.


Since humans are always buying and selling from each other, marketers will always be around. The ability to make products and services appeal to the right audience is highly sought after within businesses as it increases their chances of making good sales. Not only does marketing offer job security but also variety as you could market almost anything from any industry.

Creative Industries

Although jobs in the creative industries don't tend to be as reliably paid as other areas, there is one aspect that protects them from a possibly insecure future. With the rise of artificial intelligence and its ability to solve problems, many technical and practical jobs are being taken over and outsourced to computers and machines. Creative industry jobs such as designers, entertainers and artists may not experience the perks of a consistent income stream but you could be safe in the knowledge that a computer won't replace you in a few years' time.


People will always need healthcare and so finding work within this sector is a great place to search for a career with higher job security. Many roles within this sector, however, require years of training and earning qualifications, but if you're willing to put in the time then this could be a promising path.

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