Keep Your Business Safe: The Benefits of Using Tracking Cameras

Last Updated: 

October 17, 2024

Safety is one of the most important things that should be taken into account when it comes to work and everyone’s personal life. One of the most common symbols or forms of protection is a surveillance camera. However, many things have changed, so surveillance cameras with basic recording modes do not have a wide purpose. The good thing is that tracking cameras have appeared on the scene with many advanced functions and contribute to much better security. In this list, we will present to you how you will manage to make your business safe by using tracking cameras.

Key Takeaways on the Benefits of Using Tracking Cameras

  1. Quick identification: Tracking cameras offer advanced facial recognition technology, helping to identify potential threats in real-time, making your business safer.
  2. Immediate alarm and notifications: Sensors in tracking cameras trigger alarms and notifications when suspicious activity is detected, allowing for rapid response before incidents escalate.
  3. AI technology for accuracy: AI integration improves the accuracy of tracking cameras, reducing false alarms and ensuring precise surveillance, enhancing overall security.
  4. High-quality video resolution: These cameras provide high-resolution video, allowing for clear footage even at night, helping to identify crucial details like licence plates.
  5. Enhanced access control: Tracking cameras with face recognition can manage access to restricted areas, improving efficiency and ensuring only authorised personnel can enter.
  6. Behaviour detection: These cameras analyse behaviour patterns, identifying and alerting security personnel about aggressive or unusual actions before they lead to incidents.
  7. Efficient database search: A well-organised database enables quick searches for specific events, saving time by simplifying the process of reviewing footage.
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Quick identification

The biggest problem with ordinary surveillance cameras is that they only record one scene and that’s it. It contributes almost nothing and is not a more advanced form of security. With ordinary surveillance cameras, you won’t be able to easily notice that something strange is happening, and in such cases, you will have to watch the footage again and again until you determine that something is happening and find something suspicious. Tracking cameras have special features such as facial recognition cctv technology that works very well and reacts immediately when the sensor detects a face in its field of view. It represents an advanced level of cameras because your business will be much safer and your videos will be searched in a much easier way. Dance identification on tracking cameras can have many sub-functions, and with that, it can be used for many different jobs and be very useful.

Alarm and notifications

When some robberies happen, it is often found out too late, when the robbery has already taken place and it is much more difficult to react. The good thing is that tracking cameras have sensors that work very quickly and when they see something suspicious, they activate an alarm and send a notification to the security team. In this way, one reacts very quickly before a robbery or something else has happened. This can save your business from the big risks that robbery can bring. The alarm will be activated in the way you set it, and the notification will be sent immediately to all the addresses you entered. You can enter that the notification comes to several addresses, and it is an ideal solution in case someone is not there and someone else can react quickly. The alarm that will be activated can quickly scare burglars and in that way prevent them from their intentions.

The latest AI capabilities

What differentiates tracking cameras from others is that they have AI technology. So they work in a much smarter way with much higher services. AI, in combination with face recognition technology, can analyse the whole situation in an advanced way. The thing in which AI helps these cameras the most is that it increases the accuracy and reduces the inaccuracy that would otherwise occur. If the tracking cameras are not accurate enough, it can lead to false notifications and unnecessary worry that would occur at that moment. The good thing is that with AI, the accuracy is brought to a very high level which will be beneficial to you. 

Better video quality 

One of the biggest problems with surveillance cameras is bad video quality. This often led to the fact that various burglaries in business premises could not identify the burglars and what actually happened. Tracking cameras have high-resolution and high-quality surveillance. This will allow you to have a much cleaner view of the video. A good possibility is that you will be able to zoom in on those higher-resolution videos, read licence plates, and look for additional evidence that may appear. Tracking cameras also have a night recording mode, in which the display of the night will be much clearer, often even from your eyesight.

Access control

Many companies require that company doors be locked at all times and that only employees are allowed access. It can also happen that only certain employees from a certain list can enter in some parts of the company. The ideal solution for that is tracking cameras with a face recogniser option. You can connect these possibilities with other systems and establish access control. This innovation will greatly improve the efficiency of your company and save time, which is very valuable.

Behaviour detection

People are very different beings, and everyone has to be very careful. Violent behaviour can happen on business premises, which can escalate into situations where innocent people can get hurt. It is very difficult to predict such situations, and a late reaction will only lead to bigger problems. A very good feature of tracking cameras is behaviour detection. This means that the tracking cameras will monitor people who are in its area and, using advanced technology, analyse their movements, facial expressions, and much more. This procedure will lead to the fact that if a person behaves aggressively and arrogantly, the camera will record it and notify you. This will be easily noticeable because the tracking camera will place a red circle on the screen, around that person in that way to indicate to you that you are also monitoring the situation. Security staff will immediately be able to identify that person and remove them before that person has damaged something or injured someone. 


Another challenge you may face is to search for events and look for specific moments to hold events in your company. Searching for surveillance camera videos is a huge job because sometimes you only need one minute and you have to search dozens and even hundreds of hours of footage to find it. This can be a big nuisance and a tedious job that is unnecessary. With tracking cameras, you get a top view of the database, and you will be able to search for specific moments easier than ever. Everything will be neatly sorted into folders in the way that would be best for you.

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