Innovative Ways To Draw Attention To Your Brand

Last Updated: 

June 11, 2024

Attracting attention is one of the key challenges facing business owners. Competition is fierce and you have to be able to turn heads to encourage customers to want to learn more. Standing out will help you to bring in new clients and gain a competitive advantage. If you run a business and you’re looking to draw attention to your brand, this guide is packed with innovative strategies and solutions. 

Key Takeaways on Drawing Attention to Your Brand

  1. Social Media Giveaways: Leverage the power of social media by hosting giveaways to rapidly increase your follower count and engage with potential customers.
  2. Influencer Marketing: Utilise influencers whose following aligns with your brand's target audience to boost brand awareness and credibility.
  3. Vehicle Branding: Stand out on the road by using branded vehicles that create a positive first impression and strategically target potential customers.
  4. Shows and Festivals: Showcase your brand at trade shows, fairs, and festivals to raise awareness, make sales, and engage with customers through interactive activities.
  5. Rave Reviews: Encourage positive reviews from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility, and actively address any negative feedback to improve your brand's reputation.
  6. Establishing Core Values: Share your company's values and contributions to society through various channels to connect with customers who prioritise brands that align with their values.
Online Business Startup

Social media giveaways

Over 5 billion people now use social media, according to the latest statistics. This equates to more than 60% of the global population. Social media may have started life as a network for connecting friends and family members, but it has evolved into a powerful marketing tool. Businesses across all sectors can benefit from opportunities to reach out to millions of people and promote their products and services. There are multiple ways to connect with followers and social media users, but few are more effective than a giveaway. If you use social media, you may have noticed people tagging you in posts or sharing stories featuring competitions and prize giveaways. For businesses, hosting a giveaway is a brilliant way to increase follower numbers quickly and affordably.

The key to a successful giveaway lies in spreading the word far and wide. When you list the instructions for an Instagram competition, for example, make sure you ask followers to tag friends, like your post and share your story. This will trigger a ripple effect to help you boost your following. Take advantage of increased popularity during and after the competition. Post regularly and encourage new and existing followers to interact with your posts. Start building anticipation for a new draw once you’ve announced the winner of the previous giveaway. 

ladies using social media on their phones
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Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is another potent weapon in the modern-day marketing arsenal. In 2023, the value of the global influencer market reached a staggering $21.1 billion. We often think about influencer marketing as a big-budget option for huge international brands, but it can benefit companies of all sizes. There are options to suit different budgets, including using micro-influencers as well as those with millions of followers. 

The most critical factor when choosing influencers is to select individuals who have a following that is relevant to your brand and the products or services you sell. Look for influencers who have a track record in the relevant sector or field and ensure that they have a good reputation. You want to find influencers who share your brand values and make connections that will push your brand forward. Your marketing posts should resonate with and appeal to your target customer. 

Vehicle branding

Using branded vehicles is an excellent way to grab the attention of potential customers and leave them wanting more. From brightly coloured cars and vans that stand out on the road to customised car number plates that showcase your brand name, there are lots of ways to make people look. If you’re thinking about using this technique for your brand, it’s essential to make sure that the vehicle looks the part and creates a positive first impression. The vehicle should look clean and smart and the signage and branding should be professional and eye-catching. If your car is dirty, or there are patches of rust or scratches down the side, for example, this will reflect negatively on the brand.

Once you’ve got your vehicle ready, figure out how you’re going to use it to maximise impact. You may rely on passive marketing through employees driving around as part of their jobs, for example, in field sales roles, or you may adopt a targeted approach. This involves choosing key areas to drive or park your vehicle to target prospective customers. 

In addition to choosing the right vehicle and figuring out how to reach target audiences, it’s also critical to encourage careful driving. Prospective customers may be put off if they encounter drivers going too fast or being aggressive, for example. Provide training and guidelines to make sure that your employees promote the brand effectively. 

Shows and festivals

Shows and festivals have become increasingly popular. If you sell products, hiring a stand or stall at a trade show, a country fair or a local or national festival offers incredible opportunities to raise brand awareness and make sales. If you’ve never been to a show or fair before, research locations and events before you decide where to go. Look for events that offer the best chances of connecting with customers who want to buy your products. If you sell sweet treats or craft beers, for example, food fairs, artisan markets, foodie events and festivals that have an extensive range of food tents and pop-up restaurants and bars are great options.

When you’ve decided which events you want to attend, the next task is to make sure that your brand stands out from the crowd. You may be competing against multiple companies to attract orders. Make sure that your stall or stand looks appealing and create a buzz by handing out free samples, doing demos and getting the audience involved in interactive activities. Giving out samples and branded freebies is a fantastic way to build a crowd, which will help you attract more people. 

To make the most of opportunities at events, use them as a springboard to turn new customers into regulars. Ask customers to provide contact details, encourage them to follow your brand on social media and incentivise referrals and recommendations. 

a delicious buffet
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Rave reviews

Studies show that more than 90% of consumers use reviews to help them buy products and services. Glowing reviews can point customers in your direction while negative feedback can drive them towards other companies. If your review score is average, or you don’t have many reviews online, it’s hugely beneficial to try and improve your rating. Ask existing clients to leave a review and encourage customers to provide feedback as part of the customer journey. If you have an online store, for example, you could include a link in the order acknowledgement or send an email after the order has been delivered. Understand what matters most to your clients. If customer service is the top priority, go the extra mile to treat your clients like VIPs. Listen to feedback, use comments and take suggestions on board. Customer reviews can help you identify issues and make changes. You might find that your clients have amazing ideas for new products or that they would buy more if you made adjustments, such as reducing delivery costs or extending opening hours, for example. 

Establish and share core values

Brand values are increasingly influential when it comes to consumer decision-making. Price and value for money are important, but research indicates that buyers are also looking for brands that share their values. Establish and share your core company values. Use social media, blog posts, emails and newsletters to tell your story. Let customers know what motivates you and how you give back or contribute to society. Perhaps you use eco-friendly materials or manufacturing techniques, or you donate a portion of your profits to community projects or charities that support specific groups of people, for example. Share news updates and engage with your clients and followers. Encourage them to get involved in supporting good causes or put charities or organisations forward. 

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