The neurodivergent condition, ADHD, affects 1 in 20 people. Seeing as it impacts how the brain works, means that those who have it can struggle to concentrate in loud spaces at work.
If you are a business owner and want to ensure that anyone with ADHD can feel comfortable, relaxed, and focused at work, these tips will allow you to understand the adjustments you need to make to your workspace.
Offering people with ADHD private desks in quiet spaces will ensure they can remain focused. Yet, they will not be focused on a normal level, the quietness and privacy will allow them to hyperfocus, encouraging them to work harder, and offering your business great results.
Those with ADHD might struggle to be enthusiastic about work if they are fixated on a regimented schedule. Many people with ADHD will struggle to work during certain hours of the day. Hence, offering a flexible schedule will ensure they are motivated and enthusiastic about work during hours that suit them.
If an employee has ADHD, they might struggle to find comfort in seizing new opportunities. This is due to them being anxious or feeling too stressed to try new things. Whereas, if you offer individual support and encourage employees to try new things, they will be facilitated in seizing new opportunities, which will benefit their confidence as well as your business.
If you are interested in discovering more about how to adjust your workspace to suit those with ADHD, which will benefit your business, read more in this infographic below.