How to Use Branded Apparel to Increase Brand Recognition

Last Updated: 

January 21, 2025

Brand recognition is something most businesses thrive for, but don't know how to get. Building a brand is not only important for big companies; local businesses need to build a solid brand in their communities as well. The issue is that they often don't have the same budget as big companies, and have to use creativity. One affordable way to disseminate your brand is by using branded apparel. Let's take a look at how you can use it as a tool to increase your brand’s visibility.

Want to Close Bigger Deals?

Have a Goal

The very first thing you have to do is look at what your goal is. There are many ways that you can use apparel for promotion. You may want to increase awareness of your business or thank your clients, or maybe you’re trying to rally your troops or make them easily identifiable at events. Knowing your goals will influence your style decisions and which type of apparel you should pick.

Consider Your Target Market

Next, you have to know who this apparel will be for. When you know who your target audience are, it’s easier to create apparel marketing ideas that will resonate with them. Find out how old they are, where they live, and what type of clothes they will usually wear. You want to know if they tend to dress more casual or formal. Younger people might not be crazy about formal shirts, for instance, but few will throw away a nice hoodie. This is important if your goal is for your brand to be seen and not to just randomly hand out t-shirts to your clients.

Make Sure it Stands Out

The first thing you have to do is make sure that people see your branded apparel. So, try to go for bold colours that can be seen from afar and that people will remember, such as mustard green, purple, or bright red, for example. Next, make sure that you focus on style instead of obvious branding. Your goal is for people to wear them, so you will need to spend time and money on professional design.

Choose a Good Supplier

It’s also important that you choose the right supplier. A good supplier will give you plenty of options depending on how much you can spend and will have items for all demographics. Good suppliers will also be able to get you quality apparel that will last a long time and look great. One example is Screen Textiles.

Whether you're looking for branded t-shirts, hoodies, or knitwear, they have it all there. Using a supplier like this, not only boosts your t-shirt sales, you can get you great uniforms for a fraction of the price you'd have to pay at a regular printing service.

Once you have everything in order, you should be able to build a solid apparel marketing strategy that will establish your brand. Make sure to follow these tips, and constantly work on new ways to get your brand seen.

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