How to Maintain a Regular Routine During Office Renovations

Last Updated: 

January 16, 2025

Whether you have a large or a small business, office renovations are usually pretty exciting. Just think about it: the space becomes more aesthetically pleasing, which basically means that it becomes a more conducive work environment. The space feels bigger, it becomes brighter, and it just operates way better, too. In general, they offer the opportunity to refresh and revitalise your workspace, potentially improving employee morale and productivity. However, the disruption caused by renovations can also be challenging, making it difficult to maintain a regular routine. 

So, while renovations are meant to make the office more productive, the renovation part itself usually kills any potential productivity in the office itself. So, what exactly can be done about this? Well, you can still have a regular routine and still be productive. Will it be easy? Well, maybe not the easiest, but it’s still possible. So, here’s exactly what you need to know and do!

Key Takeaways on Maintaining Regular Routines During Office Renovation

  • Plan Ahead: Before starting office renovations, create a detailed schedule with contractors to understand the timeline and areas impacted.
  • Temporary Workspaces: Consider setting up temporary workspaces, such as working from home or using co-working spaces, to maintain productivity during renovations.
  • Flexibility is Essential: Be prepared for unexpected delays or changes in the renovation plan and encourage your team to remain adaptable.
  • Quiet Zones: If employees must be at the office, establish designated quiet zones and provide noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs to mitigate construction noise.
  • Prioritise Employee Comfort: Aesthetic improvements are great, but ensure that employees' comfort and productivity are top priorities during renovations.
  • Communication is Key: Maintain clear communication with contractors and employees throughout the renovation process to minimise disruptions.
  • Consider Skip Bin Hire: Understand the process of skip bin hire and where to place bins during renovations to keep the workspace organised.
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Always Plan Ahead

Before the renovation process begins, it's crucial to plan ahead. It’s best to go ahead and discuss the project's timeline with your contractors and create a detailed schedule. You’ll need to understand which areas of your office will be impacted and when. This information will allow you to plan your work around the disruptions. On top of that, do you know the schedule of your contractors? Do you know who will be hired? Do you know the process of skip bin hire and even where to put the bin during renovations? Will people need to be in the office? In general, just be sure to plan all of this out. 

Consider Temporary Workspaces

It might be best for you to go ahead and consider setting up temporary workspaces during the renovation period. This might mean working from home, using a nearby co-working space, or designating a specific area within your office that won't be affected by the construction. Why even do this? 

Well, if you ensure there are temporary workspaces (ones that are equipped with the necessary tools and resources, of course), you can absolutely expect to maintain productivity- not just you but everyone. In general, you’re doing yourself a huge favour; if the work doesn’t need to be done at the office, then don’t force it to be done at the office.

Accept That Flexibility is Needed

Whether you like it or not, during these awkward periods, there’s no escaping flexibility-, it’s going to be dire. Flexibility is vital when dealing with office renovations. So, it’s going to be for the best to understand that there may be unexpected delays or changes in the renovation plan. So, go ahead and encourage your team to remain adaptable and open to temporary adjustments in their work routines.

Look Into Designated Quiet Zones

If it’s absolutely essential for the team to be at the office (so for a good reason), then if you can, try to look into quiet zones if it’s possible. You need to understand that construction work can be noisy and disruptive. So noisy that it’s headache-inducing. So consider providing noise-canceling headphones or earplugs for employees who need a quieter environment to concentrate. You might also establish designated quiet zones where employees can escape the noise temporarily.

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