How Mobile App Type Influences the App Development Cost

Last Updated: 

October 15, 2024

Your mobile app’s development type will shape everything: the budget, the timeline, and how users experience your product. Each type — native, cross-platform, and mobile web — comes with its own costs and technical demands.

In this article, we’ll explore these types, discuss how different mobile app development services impact costs, and discuss other key factors to consider.

Key Takeaways Mobile App Types and How they Influence Cost

  1. Native apps offer superior performance: Native development provides highly optimised, responsive apps but comes at a higher cost and longer development time.
  2. Cross-platform apps save time and money: With a single codebase for both iOS and Android, cross-platform development reduces costs and speeds up time to market.
  3. Mobile web apps are the most affordable: These apps are quick to develop and cost-effective but have limited offline functionality and access to native features.
  4. Development complexity affects cost: Features like payment gateways, social media integrations, and custom animations can significantly increase development expenses.
  5. App maintenance is an ongoing cost: Post-launch updates, bug fixes, and new features typically add 15-20% of the original development cost annually.
  6. Location and expertise influence pricing: Development costs vary by region and expertise level, with higher prices in regions like the U.S. and for more experienced teams.
  7. Project scalability can raise expenses: Building an app that supports a growing user base may require expensive cloud infrastructure and backend solutions.
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Native development

Building programs only for one operating system (iOS or Android) with platform-specific languages like Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, or Java is known as native development. This method is more expensive but provides extensive integration with device features and excellent performance.


  • Optimised performance. Native apps run smoothly and are highly responsive, as they are built specifically for their respective platforms.
  • Enhanced usability. They provide a seamless user experience by leveraging device-specific features.
  • Immediate access to new features. Developers can incorporate the latest features as soon as they’re released by the OS vendor.


  • Higher development costs. Expect to pay between $60K to $120K per platform due to separate codebases and the need for specialised skills.
  • Longer development time. Developing apps for both iOS and Android can take 8 to 12 months or more.
  • Specialised talent needed. Requires proficiency in platform-specific languages, which can increase costs.

Cross-platform frameworks

Cross-platform frameworks like RN and Flutter enable users to use shared chunks of code for both iOS and Android applications. It's a reasonably priced solution, ideal for businesses trying to grow their clientele without going over budget.


  • Cost efficiency. Development costs are reduced to $40K - $80K because you only need one codebase for both platforms.
  • Faster time to market. Apps can be developed in 4 to 6 months, much quicker than native.
  • Consistency across platforms. Users get a similar experience regardless of the device they use.


  • Performance compromises. Cross-platform apps may not perform as well as native ones, especially in terms of speed and responsiveness.
  • Limited access to device features. Some native APIs may not be available, requiring additional plugins or custom development.
  • Framework limitations. You’re dependent on the framework to update when new OS features are released, which could delay implementation.
an app developer checking out app design

Mobile web apps

Mobile web applications don’t require any downloads or installations. They are accessed through a browser and provide a faster, more typical app-like experience. Since they are hosted on the web, updates happen instantly. These apps also adapt to different screen sizes, making them user-friendly on any platform.


  • Lower development costs. Typically, costs for these mobile app development services range from $5K to $30K, making it the most affordable option.
  • Quick development time. Can be developed in as little as 1 to 3 months.
  • Universal accessibility. Accessible from any device with a web browser, providing broad reach without platform restrictions.


  • Limited offline functionality. Web apps require an internet connection to function, which can be a significant drawback.
  • No access to native features. Limited access to features like push notifications, camera, and GPS, affecting the user experience.
  • Visibility issues. Not being listed in app stores can make them harder to discover for potential users.

Cost summary by app type

App Development Comparison Table
App type Estimated cost Development time Ideal for
Native apps $60K - $120K per platform 8 - 12 months High-performance apps with extensive feature sets
Cross-platform apps $40K - $80K 4 - 6 months Cost-effective, wide audience reach
Mobile web apps $5K - $30K 1 - 3 months Quick, affordable solutions with limited functionality

Another factors influencing app development cost

App Development Cost Factors
Factor Description Estimated additional costs
Integration complexity Adding features like payment gateways, social media logins, or CRM systems requires extra development time and costs. $5K - $20K per integration
Scalability needs Building a robust backend to support thousands or millions of users involves cloud infrastructure and load balancing. $10K - $50K+ depending on user base and infrastructure
Custom animations & interactive elements Complex animations and interactive elements enhance UX but increase design and coding expenses. $5K - $30K based on animation complexity
Advanced features Advanced analytics, AI integration, and real-time conversation require specific knowledge and development time. $10K - $100K+ based on feature complexity
Maintenance & updates Ongoing costs for updates, bug fixes, and new features post-launch. 15-20% of the initial development cost annually
Team expertise & location Hiring mobile application development service providers in regions like the US is more expensive than in Eastern Europe or Asia. Senior developers cost more but deliver higher quality. $50 - $250 per hour, depending on team location and expertise

Wrapping up

The app type, as well as other factors like UI/UX design or team expertise, influence the final cost of a mobile app. To receive professional advice customised to your requirements, think about contacting app development service providers. They can assist you with turning your idea into a profitable, high-calibre app.

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