How Email Marketing Can Boost Small Business Growth in 2024

Last Updated: 

September 4, 2024

In the latest Mailjet survey, 75.4% of consumers preferred receiving promotional messages via email, with 74% favouring email for transactional communications from brands.

It's no surprise, really. 

Email is the go-to platform for consumers to find those special offers and updates from their favourite brands. With the modern inbox's nifty organisation features, keeping track of these messages is a breeze. 

And let’s face it—emails don’t demand immediate attention. You can read them when it suits you best, making it a convenient and flexible marketing tool for your business.

Now, you might wonder, "Can my small business benefit from email marketing?" 

Absolutely! It's one of the most cost-effective marketing channels out there, delivering an average of $36 for every dollar spent. With email marketing revenue set to hit $12.33 billion worldwide in 2024, it’s clear that email marketing isn’t just an option—it’s a must-have for any business looking to grow.

Not to mention,Email marketing is convenient and flexible for your business. Whether you're designing personalised templates with Mailchimp or nurturing customer relationships through engaging content, it's a powerful tool for reaching your audience effectively.

Plus, small businesses can't afford to gamble with their limited marketing budget. That's why it's smart to stick with what works. 

If you want to hear more about how to use email marketing for small businesses, keep reading. We’re about to chat about proven email marketing strategies for busy entrepreneurs of small businesses, providing you with a secure and guided path to success. 

Key Takeaways on Boosting Business with Email Marketing

  1. Email Marketing is Highly Preferred: According to a Mailjet survey, over 75% of consumers prefer receiving promotional and transactional messages via email.
  2. Cost-Effective Marketing Channel: Email marketing delivers an average ROI of $36 for every dollar spent, making it a budget-friendly choice for small businesses.
  3. Build an Organic Email List: Focus on growing your email list organically with clear incentives and visible sign-up forms, avoiding the pitfalls of purchased lists.
  4. Choose the Right Platform: Select an email marketing platform with features like drag-and-drop builders, automation, segmentation, personalisation, and analytics to streamline your efforts.
  5. Automate Email Workflows: Set up automated email sequences to nurture customer relationships at key touchpoints, such as welcome emails and abandoned cart reminders.
  6. Segment and Personalise: Segment your audience based on behaviour and preferences, and personalise your messages to increase engagement and boost sales.
  7. Tell Compelling Stories: Craft engaging narratives with intriguing subject lines, personal stories, and clear calls to action to captivate your audience.
  8. Use A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing to identify what resonates with your subscribers and refine your campaigns for better results.
  9. Maintain High Deliverability: Ensure your emails reach the inbox by avoiding spam triggers, cleaning your list, and using authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.
  10. Consider Professional Help: Partnering with an email marketing agency can provide expert insights, save time, and optimise your campaigns for greater success.
Online Business Startup

The Must-Follow Strategies: Best Email Marketing For Small Businesses

1. Build and Grow A Targeted Email List

An email list is the lifeblood of any successful email marketing campaign. It's where you store the contact information of potential and existing customers who have given you permission to send them marketing messages (opt-in).

But equally important is building it organically. Buying email lists might seem like a shortcut, but it often leads to deliverability issues and can get you flagged as a spammer. Trust us, it’s not worth it.

Here's how to build an email list for your small business organically:

  • Clearly explain what users will gain by subscribing. Offer valuable incentives like discounts, free guides, or early access to promotions.
  • Keep your sign-up forms easy to find and straightforward. Consider adding pop-ups that appear a few seconds after a visitor lands on your site. Just make sure they don’t annoy your users.
  • Offer valuable content like blog posts, webinars, or industry reports in exchange for email addresses. Tailor these lead magnets to your target audience's interests.
  • Place your lead magnets front and centre on your website and share them on social media. The easier they are to find, the more sign-ups you’ll get.
  • Go for a double-opt-in. This means that new subscribers will confirm their email addresses through follow-up emails. It prevents typos, lets you ask about content preferences, and ensures compliance with regulations like GDPR.
email marketing illustration for single opt-in and double opt-in
Image Source: Get Response
  • Place signup forms on your website, blog, social media bios, and email signature. The more visible they are, the more subscribers you’ll attract.

2. Choose the Right Email Marketing Platform

For small businesses, time is money, and email marketing can feel like a huge time suck. 40% of marketers admit they put off managing their email campaigns because it just seems too overwhelming. That’s why the right email marketing platform is a must-have for small business email marketing. 

Below are the factors entrepreneurs should consider while selecting the perfect email marketing solution for their small business. 

  • Drag-and-Drop Builder, Templates, and AI tools to create stunning emails without coding.
  • Automation features to set up automated email sequences like welcome messages, win-back campaigns, and more.
  • Segmentation and Personalisation tools to tailor content based on customer behaviour and preferences.
  • Analytics to track email performance (open rates, clicks, conversions) and optimise future campaigns.

3. Set Up Automated Workflow

Identify key touchpoints and set up automated workflows. 

Email marketing automation delivers timely, personalised emails based on specific triggers. It helps nurture your audience at critical moments in their customer journey and build strong, lasting relationships. 

Take welcome emails, for example. They boast high open rates and offer a chance to make a stellar first impression on new subscribers. Nail that first hello, and you’re off to a great start. Abandoned cart emails can recover lost sales by nudging hesitant shoppers to complete their purchases. Re-engagement campaigns can revive inactive subscribers.

Drip campaigns are powerful tools that deliver a series of pre-written emails over time to nurture leads or onboard new customers. Imagine signing up for a fitness newsletter and receiving emails with workout tips and motivation.

Most email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, GetResponse, or HubSpot offer user-friendly tools for setting up automated campaigns.

4. Segment and Personalise Your List

Imagine being at a party where every conversation is about your favourite hobby. You'd be hooked, right? That’s what segmentation and personalisation do for your emails—they make every message feel tailor-made.

Segmentation lets you group your audience based on interests and behaviour. You can then send targeted emails that resonate with each group, skyrocketing engagement and sales. A well-segmented list can boost your revenue by 760%

So, how do you segment and personalise like a pro?

Behaviour-Specific Segmentation: Pay attention to shopping habits. Some customers splurge on big-ticket items, while others prefer smaller purchases. Tailor your emails accordingly. Send personalised product recommendations to big spenders and quick updates to speedy shoppers.

Content-Specific Segmentation: Some subscribers love eBooks and guides, while others prefer quick product updates. Use this data. Create segments based on content preferences and deliver what each group wants. Ask your customers directly if you’re unsure.

5. Tell A Compelling Story

People crave connection and a good yarn. When you lose touch with the story you want to tell, your emails become forgettable white noise. 

a sample marketing email

Here's how to hook your audience and reel them in: 

Craft an Intriguing Subject Line: Make it catchy and compelling to get your emails opened.

Hook with the First Sentence: Use mystery or a compelling fact to draw readers in.

Keep the Story Going: Build your narrative throughout the email, leaving some elements open-ended. For example: "Get ready to [benefit from your product] like never before! We've got a game-changer coming your way soon... stay tuned for the big reveal!"

Engage with Personal Stories: Relate to your audience by sharing real experiences that reflect your brand's values and mission.

Humanise Your Brand: Fill your emails with the human side of your brand’s story. Include customer success stories, interesting anecdotes, or behind-the-scenes insights. Make your readers feel connected to your brand on a personal level.

Close with a Call to Action: Lead your readers to the next step with a clear and enticing call to action.

Some tools that will help you craft compelling content for your small  business email marketing are–

  • ChatGPT
  • Grammarly
  • Email Subject line generator by Active Campaign
  • Hemingway Editor
  • CoSchedule Headline Analyser

6. Use A/B Testing

Email marketing for small business owners can be greatly optimised with A/B testing or split testing. This helps you learn what resonates with your subscribers and fine-tune your email campaigns accordingly.

Split testing allows you to understand your audience's preferences. Do they respond better to a catchy discount offer or a subject line with emojis? Are they more engaged by success stories or how-to guides? Do they open emails more often when it’s “from Jane at [Your Business]” or when it’s “from the [Your Business] Team”?

By experimenting with different elements of your emails, you can find out what works best. Even if a campaign performs poorly, A/B testing provides valuable insights to improve future emails.

How to Conduct Split Testing for Small Business Email Marketing:

  • Pick one variable element to test at a time, such as the subject line, email content, CTA, or sender name.
  • Develop two versions of the email with a single differing component. For instance, one email might have a subject line with a question, while the other uses a statement.
  • Split your email list into two groups. Each group will receive one version of the email.
  • Track key metrics and determine which version performed better.
  • Use the insights gained to refine future campaigns, ensuring they are more engaging and effective.

Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, ActiveCampaign, etc, offer built-in A/B testing features to test various elements and analyse which version gets the best results.

7. Maintain High Deliverability and Avoid Spam Filters

Your efforts could be wasted if your emails end up in the spam folder or promotions tab. Avoiding spam filters ensures your messages reach your audience’s inbox, where they’re more likely to engage with them. Here’s how to do that:

  • Regularly clean your email list by removing inactive or invalid email addresses to improve deliverability.
  • Avoid spam-triggering content such as excessive capital letters, misleading subject lines, or too many images without text.
  • Aim for high open rates. Emails that recipients regularly open signal to email providers that your content is valuable and improve your sender reputation.
  • Focus on sending useful, engaging emails your subscribers will appreciate.
  • Remind subscribers to add your email address to their contact list. This tells their inbox provider you're a welcome guest.
  • Implement SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) to authenticate your emails and enhance trustworthiness.
  • Test your emails using spam checkers or your email service provider’s tools to identify potential issues before sending.

8. Partner with an Email Marketing Agency

Partnering with an email marketing agency can revolutionise your small business's marketing efforts. Despite budget constraints, many agencies offer affordable solutions with measurable returns. They provide expert knowledge, save time, and offer strategic insights to scale campaigns effectively. 

Choosing the right agency could be the key to optimising your email marketing impact, driving higher engagement, and fostering sustainable growth for your small business.

Wrapping Up

Mastering email marketing for small businesses hinges on steadfastly applying these proven strategies. While the above best practices are powerful tools, falling out of routine is easy. Don't let that happen!

Stay committed to refining your methods to foster stronger connections with your audience and ensure sustained growth for your small business through email marketing.

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