How can Conversion Rate Optimisation Help You Grow Your Business

Last Updated: 

November 4, 2024

You’ve built a website, leads are coming in and business is running smoothly. Perhaps you’re thinking of ideas to grow the traffic to your website and realising the monumental challenge that lies ahead. One of the best ways you can grow your business without the need for increased traffic is to focus your time and efforts on CRO. Conversion rate optimisation allows you to make the traffic that is already visiting your site work harder for you and, in turn, allows business growth at a low cost. Let’s take a look at how CRO might be the perfect solution for your site.

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What is Conversion Rate Optimisation or and why is it so important?

Conversion Rate Optimisation or CRO is the process of streamlining your website so that it successfully generates leads, sales, and inquiries into your business. In order to know you’re doing the right thing, it’s important to use AB testing for different iterations of your site.

Try placing a call to action or CTA more prominently on the home page, for example, and test for increased levels of engagement. The important thing to know with CRO is that it’s impossible to fail because you can learn from your mistakes and use the data to inform on the development of your website. When looking to optimise any aspect of your website though it’s always best to work with experienced professionals who know what works.

Click Intelligence are an award-winning internet marketing company with years of experience doing just that, so get in touch today and find out more.

Make your websites traffic work harder with CRO

Increasing traffic to your website is hard work, especially when you’re performing well in search results already. Driving 50% more traffic to a page through organic search is a huge challenge but if your page is already performing well in terms of pure numbers of traffic, you can make that traffic work harder.

Use Google Analytics to identify those pages on your site which have high traffic but low engagement and think about what’s missing in the user journey.

Find a page converting at less than 3% and you’ve got a prime target for CRO. Test iterations and double conversion rates and pretty soon the existing traffic to your website is providing twice as many leads. Check out this blog page from Moz offering 10 ideas to optimise your website for CRO.

Unexpected Brand engagement benefits

Optimising the way in which your site converts will have an impact on how users perceive your brand. While generating clicks and impressions for your website is important, it can be easy to let the perception of your brand fall by the wayside in favor of increased visitors and generating leads. Ensuring your clients and customers are ‘bought in’ to your brand will make the job of converting the leads you do get much easier.

Focus on creating content that really resonates with your clients and customers and try to encourage an emotional attachment with your brand. That way, once their interests are piqued by your products or services, they’ll know where to turn.

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