Cybersecurity Trends Every Business Should Prepare for in 2021

Last Updated: 

October 13, 2022

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The technology landscape of today is constantly evolving, increasing our connectivity and efficiency and enhancing modern life in countless ways. But as technology evolves, so do the cyberthreats that lurk online. Luckily, there are many effective security measures organizations can take to keep their businesses safe and secure. Here’s what you should know about the emerging cybersecurity trends facing businesses in 2021, and how you can best prepare for them.

Remote Work Threats

Did you know that shifting to a remote workforce has increased the cost of a data breach by $137,000? This staggering cost is largely a result of the rapid shift to remote that many organizations were forced to make in response to COVID-19. For many, this involved unplanned data migrations and swift procurement of IT products and services to support a newly remote landscape that most weren’t fully prepared for. In the race to keep business running as usual, many companies rushed or ignored typical security measures that created vulnerabilities for cybercriminals to take advantage of.

Action item: The world of remote work isn’t going anywhere post-pandemic. Organizations would be wise to assess the strength of their remote infrastructures and take care to establish effective cybersecurity measures going forward.


Ransomware attacks certainly aren’t a new phenomenon, but they’ve rapidly grown in sophistication in the last few years—and this type of attack cost more than the average data breach in 2020. Ransomware attacks threaten the sensitive data of businesses, and the cost of recovering from this type of attack can set you back considerably. In 2021, it’s clear that companies will need to adopt a Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA) model to keep their data protected—a ZTNA has shown to be a far more secure option in keeping data away from cybercriminals.

Action item: Consider shifting to a ZTNA to create more security for your organization and reduce the chances of a ransomware attack.

These are only two of many emerging cybersecurity threats that are revealing themselves as we continue into 2021 and beyond. Sometimes, a commitment to being proactive when it comes to your organization’s security measures can prevent a majority of cyber threats. To learn more about these emerging threats and what you can do to protect your business going forward, this visual by Panda Security provides a deep dive with everything you need to know:

Cybercrime Infographic

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