Best Practices For Welcoming Guests To Your Company Premises

Last Updated: 

December 24, 2024

It's a great privilege to have a visitor on your company premises. Whether they're a customer or a client, you can convey a positive impression for your business and potentially open up new prospects and opportunities by how warm the welcome is. 

Of course, you need more than good intentions here. Surprisingly, some UK organisations still suffer from pandemic effects, and visitor numbers haven't stabilised everywhere. There can be other reasons people are avoiding commercial areas, too, whether it's the convenience of online shopping or other matters concerning their well-being. 

If guests are coming to your company premises already, that's great. You can always invite more, though - the more, the merrier. Should you be struggling to entice people to stop by at all, that's a concerning problem that must be addressed, too. 

What can be done here? Here are some best practices for welcoming guests to your company premises.

Key Takeaways on Welcoming Guests To Your Company Premises

  1. A warm welcome can create a positive impression for your business and open up new prospects and opportunities.
  2. Develop a welcome package that includes essential information and functionalities for the guest, such as Wi-Fi password, maps and directions, and emergency exits.
  3. Adapt your workplace to accommodate all visitors, including those with disabilities, and make necessary renovations or adjustments.
  4. Train your staff on best practices for welcoming visitors, such as warm body language and making eye contact, and provide them with clear visitor policies.
  5. Keep an accurate record of visitors to ensure you don't forget anyone, to conduct essential evacuation procedures, and to identify suspicious activity on-site.
  6. Request feedback from your guests to improve the quality of service and make necessary changes based on their responses.
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Develop a Welcome Package 

Depending on the size and scope of your business premises, a welcome package could be a very charming offering. It can also be an excellent opportunity to showcase the character and history of your brand.

Many things can feature in a welcome package. You could supply a succinct business biography through leaflets, flyers, and brochures. Any current promotional offers could also be included, along with a beautifully crafted invitation made using an invitation maker tool, as a token of goodwill. If your guest is likely to be around for a while, they'd probably appreciate having the password to your firm's Wi-Fi.

Additionally, if there are any forms for the guest to fill out, perhaps they could be included too? Company policies and procedures can be outlined as well. Welcome packages can be informative and functional offerings rather than just trivia and pleasantries (though their inclusion is also valid). 

If the guest is expected to make their way through larger business premises alone, the welcome package could also feature maps and directions. These should be presented clearly so that there's no room for interpretation. Things like emergency exits should feature prominently. Guests that don't feel adrift in your premises will feel safer and more confident.

Adapt the Workplace

Not every workplace premises is suitable for every type of visitor. If yours isn't ideal for everyone, you're hopefully prepared to make some adaptations. More than a comfortable waiting area may be required. 

For example, it's a matter of law to provide reasonable disability access. So, having disabled access doors, disabled parking, handrails, and ramps installed will ensure people can get in and out of your premises without incident. Widening doorways can help as well. People will know they're welcome just by the look of your building by seeing the ramps outside, not needing to head inside to find out. 

Facilities have to be considered too. You could implement a commercial washroom refurbishment project from Bano Washrooms, for example. They create spaces for guests and visitors that meet modern requirements, accessible and functional for all. Moreover, their refurbishments can uplift your business and brand, as they can have a luxury appeal too. 

Numerous grants, loans, and other financial support packages can help fund renovations. Tax credits may also be looked into further to ease pressures. Some of your partners may also be willing to split costs where relevant. Situations can vary, but if you consult experts on disability access, they may help you budget and make reasonable adjustments to ensure disability access is made possible.

Train Your Staff Well

Refurbishing parts of your company premises is a good idea. However, the conduct of your staff can also broadly influence a visitor's experience at your business. 

So, ensure staff are routinely trained on the best practices for welcoming visitors. Having warm body language and making eye contact are obvious indicators of warm and inviting workers, but ideally, your colleagues will go beyond these baseline expectations. 

Clear visitor policies should be in place so that workers know what standards they must meet and can refresh their should they forget. They should know where emergency exits are, understand where skills in conflict resolution may be more likely to be needed, and be acutely aware of visitor privacy and confidentiality requirements. 

Standard training courses can help, but roleplaying scenarios where colleagues can welcome visitors can also be enlightening. That way, they'll artfully manoeuvre themselves through these simulated situations and build their conversation and problem-solving skills in real time. A more well-rounded learning experience can be enjoyed this way, too. 

Keep Records

You must have an accurate record of everybody who's visited your company premises. There are many different reasons for doing this, including:

  • Ensuring you don't forget visitors and are mindful of welcoming them back. 
  • Helping you to conduct essential evacuation procedures in the event of a fire. 
  • Having dates if you're forgetful of who visited and when in later conversations. 
  • Enabling you to identify suspicious activity on-site more acutely, as you'll be more informed on who's authorised to be present. 
  • Providing relevant information to authorities, should the recorded guest be an imposter and responsible for dubious activities on-site or elsewhere. 

Some people break into businesses to steal, while others are more cunning regarding gaining access to your premises. However, keeping records ensures you don't become suspicious of everybody, especially without cause. Such conduct would undoubtedly deter guests from your premises. Keep a record, and you have much of the data you'll need to track people down if you need to.

Request Feedback

Welcome guests to your company premises can be a recurring process. That understanding should be embraced. 

It could be a good idea to request feedback from your guests. Try to be prompt while the experience of visiting your business is more likely to be keenly remembered. You can reach out via email or an online survey, giving guests more convenient response options. 

Begin by thanking them for their visit, and mention that you enjoyed seeing them. After that, you can invite comments. You can ask about how clean they found the premises, whether they were made to feel welcome, or anything else to do with the quality of service provided. Keep questions specific yet simple, and be sure to thank participants who offer feedback. Moreover, don't just sit on the data – act on it!

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