5 Profitable Side Hustles Entrepreneurs Can Start in 2024

Last Updated: 

June 3, 2024

The world of entrepreneurship is continuing to evolve by the day. Many more individuals are looking for additional income streams that will allow them financial growth and flexibility. You could be a freelancer, a small business owner, or similar. 

Starting a side hustle can be lucrative if you want to diversify your income in 2024 and beyond. We'll look at this guide, which features five profitable side hustles you can start now and in the years beyond, so let's get started.

entrepreneurs with side hustles
(Source: Pexels)

Key Takeaways on Profitable Side Hustle Ideas for Entrepreneurs

  1. Domain Flipping: Buy low-cost domains and sell them at a higher price, focusing on short, brandable, and relevant names in trending industries.
  2. Online Courses and E-Books: Share knowledge through platforms like Teachable and Udemy, focusing on topics you're passionate about and marketing your products effectively.
  3. Consulting Services: Offer expertise in a specific industry to help businesses improve operations, marketing strategies, and processes, showcasing your portfolio and connecting with clients on platforms like LinkedIn.
  4. Dropshipping: Sell products without holding inventory by sourcing from suppliers and utilising platforms like Shopify, focusing on user-friendly websites and digital marketing to drive sales.
  5. Social Media Management: Help businesses increase online visibility by managing their social media accounts, leveraging tools like Hootsuite and Buffer, and building a portfolio to attract more clients.
Want to Close Bigger Deals?

Domain Flipping

One of the first things we'll examine is domain flipping. The practice involves purchasing a domain name at a low cost and then selling it at a higher price. This side hustle can be lucrative if you can identify valuable web addresses. It's important to begin researching and purchasing domains that potentially increase value.

Be sure to check out places like GoDaddy Auctions and Flippa, as they are great places to buy and sell domains. Focus on domains that are not only short but also brandable and relevant to trending industries.

Online Courses and E-Books

Even today, digital education is still growing. It is the perfect time to share knowledge through online courses or e-books. Utilise platforms such as Teachable, Udemy, and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, among many others. You can reach a global audience by sharing the value you can provide them, including the skills they want to learn and much more.

By creating an e-book or online course, you can generate passive income, allowing you to focus on other streams that will bring you more money. When making either of these, be sure to identify a topic you love talking about and have plenty of knowledge about. 

Using high-quality visuals and examples is also a good idea to help your ideal students or readers get the best learning experience possible.

It also helps to market your products via various channels, such as social media, your email list, and collaborations with influencers in the specific niche you're focused on. If you are starting, try not to overwhelm yourself and focus on one thing at a time.

Consulting Services

It may be a great time to offer consulting services if you have expertise in a particular industry. It can be a very profitable side hustle, especially when your clients seek specialised knowledge from someone who knows their stuff. You can help a business improve its operations, enhance its marketing strategies, and streamline its processes.

You should begin by identifying who you want to serve as your target clients. Creating a compelling portfolio showcasing your past experience and success is also a great idea. Next, find a platform like LinkedIn to help connect with potential clients, set competitive rates, and offer initial discounts to build your client base.


Dropshipping remains one of the most reliable e-commerce models today. One of the great things about this is that you can sell products without holding any inventory. When a customer makes a purchase, the supplier directly ships the product to the customer. 

This business model not only minimises the amount of risk involved but also ensures that you do not need a significant upfront investment.

To start, find a niche you are passionate about and check whether it has a solid market demand. After this, you can utilise e-commerce-friendly platforms like Shopify to set up your online store. You can source products from suppliers via Oberlo or AliExpress.

Be sure to focus on creating a user-friendly website that is easy for customers to navigate from start to finish.

You can't get sales from your e-commerce store without traffic. That's why focusing on digital marketing is vital to getting the word out and generating your desired sales.

Social Media Management

Finally, social media has plenty of gravitas when building a brand and gaining a following. However, the demand for social media managers has increased because many business owners focus on other business priorities and need more time to handle social media activities. 

That's why you can offer your services to small businesses and startups and create a tailor-made strategy to help them increase their online visibility.

If you're proficient in tools like Hootsuite or Buffer, you can manage multiple accounts across multiple clients. It is quite profitable as you can build a portfolio and get referrals while increasing your rates and taking on more prominent clients that need your social media prowess daily.

Final Thoughts

These five profitable side hustles will be popular in 2024 and beyond. This is your opportunity to look through this list and choose which one will best fit you in terms of your needs. 

Choosing a side hustle that aligns with your skills, know-how, and expertise is also essential. That way, you will have an easier time deciding which side hustle will work best for you.

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