4 Partnerships You Need To Strengthen Your Business

Last Updated: 

February 3, 2025

Your business will only ever be as strong as the partnerships that you form in your chosen industry. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you are taking the time and making the effort to establish these key connections. Here are the suggestions we recommend.

Key Takeaways on partnerships to strengthen your business

  1. HR support: Utilize a HR team to assist with hiring decisions and address employee-related issues, ensuring a healthy work environment.
  2. Supplier relationships: Build strong connections with suppliers to secure the best deals on materials and resources needed for your products.
  3. Accounting partnership: Hire a freelance accountant to manage your finances, identify cost-saving opportunities, and ensure accurate financial records.
  4. Legal advice: Invest in legal support through outsourcing to protect your business from potential legal issues and maintain stability in a changing economy.
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First, you should make sure that you do use a HR team in your business. HR will provide critical support at crucial times during the life of your business. This includes anytime that you are considering hiring a new individual to your company. A HR team will help you avoid hiring someone that is likely to cause you headaches further down the road. HR can also help you put out fires that may be burning behind the scenes in your business. For instance, they might be able to address issues where workers do not feel as though they are being treated fairly. 


When you run your own company you will need to get used to dealing with different suppliers. You will always need supplies to create your products, this means shopping around for the best deal. You will usually get the best deal if you give suppliers a ring rather than looking online. For instance, if you need to get hold of some perspex then ringing the company directly will give you the best possible price. 


Another great partnership you might want to set up is an accountant. You won’t need to hire someone full time to do this role so it is best to find a freelancer to do your number crunching. You might think that you can do this job yourself, but if you are no good with numbers or adding then you will get your books wrong. This could end in disaster if ever there came a time that you wanted to sell your business. Using an accountant has other benefits such as finding ways to save money or put your company expenses towards other things. Your accountant will be able to tell you the areas you are overspending as well, helping you put a stop to this. Be sure to research the best accountant to use as you don’t want anyone working on your books.


Finally, you need to make sure that you invest in the support of a legal advisor for your company. The right legal advisor will mean that you don’t have to worry about a small, seemingly insignificant legal problem crippling your company in the future. It’s possible that you can’t afford to hire a permanent legal advisor onto your business team. That’s understandable and one of the ways that you can avoid this is by making sure that you use an outsourcing solution. With the right outsourcing solution, you can gain the expertise and support that you need for a fraction of the cost that you might expect. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you need to take to ensure that you can strengthen your business with the right partnerships. In doing so, you can avoid a situation where your company is less stable in the wake of economic changes. 

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