3 Ways to Minimise Your Business Transportation Costs

Last Updated: 

April 3, 2023

Remember when business travel was an important aspect of many successful companies? Unfortunately, it has been one more issue the COVID-19 pandemic has put on the back burner for a lot of businesses all over the world.

Now, as things are starting to re-open and we’re adjusting to a new normal, it’s a good idea to look at the way your business does transportation. Travel is a huge expense for businesses. In 2017, $1.33 trillion was spent on business travel across the globe.

Whether you use diesel trucks that could benefit from Red Diesel fuel boxes to save money, or you’re thinking about your own transportation to meet clients and customers, there are always ways to cut back on transportation costs.

With that in mind, if you’re trying to start up travel operations again, keep these money-saving tips in mind.

Key Takeaways: Managing Business Travel on a Budget

  1. Tighten Your Travel Policy: Review and update your corporate travel policy to establish clear rules and expectations, ensuring cost-effective travel decisions.
  2. Get Airfare Alerts: Sign up for airline alerts or use price-tracking tools to stay informed about flight promotions or lower fares, helping to secure the best prices for your business trips.
  3. Encourage Productivity On the Road: Plan trips for your employees, synchronise their schedules, and suggest local amenities to minimise logistical concerns, allowing them to stay focused and productive while traveling. Consider seeking assistance from transportation entrepreneurs for support with permits, tax services, freight planning, and insurance.
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1. Tighten Your Travel Policy

If travel has always been a big part of your business, now is the time to look at your corporate travel policy. Are there things that have slipped through the cracks? Are there areas in which employees have taken advantage of things they shouldn’t have?

The best thing you can do, especially in these uncertain times, is to tighten up that policy and make a clear set of rules and expectations. That should include things like airlines to choose from to a budget for dining out, and everything in between. Keeping costs low is a plus for any business. But, if you’re just starting a business on a budget, it’s a necessity.

2. Get Airfare Alerts

Either you or a designated employee within your company should be signed up for alerts from airline companies you trust. Airlines will frequently send out alerts via text or email when they have a promotion going on or when you can get flights at a reduced rate.

You can also download different price-tracking tools that will alert you when you’ve already booked a flight, but another one has come up at a cheaper rate. Some of these apps can even cancel the existing flight for you in order to book the cheaper one. So whether you're traveling with Jettly or another airline, be sure to turn on your travel alerts to get you the best possible price for your trip.

3. Encourage Productivity On the Road

Again, whether you use trucks for a supply chain process or you have corporate employees on the road meeting clients, it’s important to remember that they’re still working.

Thankfully, technology has made it easier than ever to stay productive no matter where your employees are. One thing you can do to encourage productivity on the road is to plan the trip for them.

Include their schedule, sync their calendars, and even go so far as to suggest different restaurants in the area, etc. The less your employees have to think about the logistics of what they are doing, the more they will be able to get some work done wherever they are. However,if you feel that your employees are facing troubles in respect to permits &tax services, freight planning, and insurance, it is wise to reach out totransportation entrepreneurs. You can either get in touch over the phone orlearn from their URL herefor attaining more information.

As your business starts to get back into the world of corporate travel, there’s never been a better time to go over your travel budget and tighten it up where you can. Realistically, most employees will probably be thrilled to return to some sense of normalcy, but most people also understand that due to the impact of this pandemic, some things need to change. Keep that in mind as you think about your business travel budget and the changes you want to make.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

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