10 Things to Think About When Designing Your Product

Last Updated: 

September 3, 2024

Want to Close Bigger Deals?

Designing a product is a challenge. It might even be one of the hardest and most complex things you’ve ever had to do. There are so many things to think about, some big, some small, some obvious, some incredibly obscure. Here are 10 things that I always used to consider when designing products, but I think sometimes we might forget them or not give them enough attention.

Do Market Research

You want to know what people like and don’t like about certain products to avoid making the same mistakes. You also want to know what has already been done so you can bring something new and innovative into the market. There’s nothing wrong with copying someone else’s idea but try putting your unique spin on it!

Know Your Audience and their Needs

It’s important to define your target audience before going for an industrial design for your product. Keep in mind that it might not be sufficient to define them by demographic characteristics. You should also think about what they want to achieve when using your product, their pain points and how your product can help them solve their problems. This will give you a good idea of the features you need to develop and what the user interface should look like.

Keep Up with the Trends

Sometimes customers want something different than what they usually see on the market. Maybe your product has been around for a while, but customers want something new and exciting. You can always add new features to keep up with trends or even create an entirely new product not available in the market! Or, if your business is one of many in the same niche, you’ll need to make sure that yours stands out above the rest by offering something unique or different than other businesses in your niche.

Consider How It Will Be Manufactured

When deciding for an industrial design for your product, it’s important to understand the processes used to manufacture it so that you can make design decisions accordingly. This could be as simple as deciding not to use a particular feature because it would require hand assembly or make it difficult for automated assembly equipment to reach. The more you understand how your product will be manufactured, the easier it is for you to create an efficient design easily manufactured with the equipment available. If you're wondering how to start a manufacturing business, mastering this understanding is crucial to ensuring your product is designed for optimal production efficiency.


How the product looks are one of the first things that a customer will notice. Make sure it looks good. You may have a fantastic product, but no one will buy it if it doesn’t look good. Your product looks affect its perceived value, so choose a design with care. Make sure your product fits in with the look and feel of your brand. If you have an established brand, you must design a product that complements your brand’s identity and messaging. If you are designing a new product for an existing brand, make sure that you understand the aesthetic conventions of that brand before you can choose an industrial design firm.

Packaging & Assembly

Packaging is an integral part of how your customer will receive your product. This is why many businesses pay attention to their packaging design and frequently contact packing companies like Origin Pac to come up with eye-catching designs that influence customers to buy their products, and include important information to communicate their company's objectives. A clean box design can also help you save money on shipping costs by ensuring that your product fits nicely into an economical box size. Assembly is also very important, as this is what will keep your product safe in transit and make sure that it goes together without a problem when it arrives at the end user’s home or business.

Solve Real-World Problems

This may seem like an obvious step when designing a product, but it’s also the most important. You need to make sure that your product has a purpose and solves problems for people in the real world. So think about what problem you’re trying to solve with your product and dig deeper. Is there a market for this? Are other people facing this issue? Who are they? What do they need? The more research you do before developing your product, the better your chances of success. Another option is to create an entirely new product that meets an unmet need. This can be especially rewarding, but it’s also riskier because you don’t know if anyone else has identified the same problem or not.

Attention to Detail Matters

Small detail on a product can differentiate between an ordinary item and something extraordinary. You’ll want to pay close attention to every element of your product to ensure each detail is carefully crafted and intentional. One thing that often gets overlooked is the visual industrial design of a product and its packaging. This is because people are so used to seeing products with bad designs that we think it’s normal. But no matter how good your product is, if it has a poor visual design, many people will assume it’s not worth buying. In fact, most people won’t even notice specific design details unless they are bad. But when done right, good design can make someone subconsciously trust your brand more and feel more inclined to buy from you.

Make It Simple

When designing a product, simplicity should be a key goal. Good design is as little design as possible. It is less, but better because it concentrates on the essential aspects and the products are not burdened with non-essentials. They may not be easy, but they appear uncluttered and straightforward. Everything that can be removed has been taken away, leaving only what remains essential.

Don’t Confuse Simplicity with Minimalism

A minimalistic design has been stripped to the bare minimum, using basic shapes and very little or no color. It’s often confused with good design because both have a lot of white space, but the two are not necessarily linked. A good industrial design can be creative and colorful. It just doesn’t include unnecessary elements like too many shapes and colors or pointless graphics.

Bottom Line

To sum up, keep in mind that your decisions during the design process should consider both your target audience and your own goals. If those two elements aren’t at odds, your potential to succeed in the market is greater. Whether it’s a physical product or a website, design issues involve more than just aesthetics. Don’t forget about usability. But don’t let that intimidate you, just keep in mind what’s important to you, and focus on that before anything else.

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