Inspirational business talks and training at global business conferences and events such as TubeFest, WedCon, Productivity Lab, Creative Life, American Society of Home Inspectors, Pet Passion to Profit, the Pet Professional Network, Shifts to Success and many more.

Keynote Speaker at Business Conferences

I am pleased to be able to offer my knowledge and experience for speaking engagements. With nearly 20 years of experience in helping businesses to grow and thrive, I am available for keynotes, motivational talks, masterclasses, and training courses at business events around the UK.
While I am happy to speak to broader points around business, leadership and mindset, I can also offer topic based engagements on goal setting, demystifying business marketing, and business knowledge and growth - product architecture and value propositions.
Download my one-page speaker summary to find out more about the topics I cover and my pricing structure.

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Check out my latest speaking engagements at Conferences:

WedCon 2022

12th November 2022

Fearless Business Showreel - Aerospace

29th November 2017

StroudNet - Networking Group

10 January 2017

Keynote at Sterling Big Breakfast

30 September 2016

StroudNet – Networking Group

6 June 2016

Fearless Business Seminar

7 April 2017