Extraordinary Business Book Club Podcast - Alison Jones

Extraordinary Business Book Club Podcast - Alison Jones

Alison Jones and me talking all things books and authoring on the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast.

If you are here it is because you heard Alison Jones and me talking on the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast. I hope you had as much fun listening as I did talking to Alison. She is a wonderful host who is passionate about introducing you to the people and ideas that can improve your life.

You can access Alison's amazing Extraordinary Business Books Podcast here.

Robin Waite was a web designer who got increasingly frustrated with clients who only thought about websites. He understood, although they didn't, that your website is only part of your online strategy and your personal brand. Online Business Startup was written out of frustration, but the result was the transformation of Rob's own personal brand.

This is also a masterclass in how to write a book at speed: despite having a new baby and a full-time job, Rob managed to dictate, transcribe and edit his bestselling book in just six weeks, and he shares the full details of how he did it in this interview.

'My book's sold several thousand copies, my videos are going into tens of thousands of views across Facebook and Youtube and Vimeo. I've couldn't have had that impact, without having the book and the personal brand and this whole ecosystem set around it.'

This is an interview packed with practical ideas: don't listen unless you're ready to be challenged and to take action.  

I'm passionate about helping you become more successful.

I have no doubt that something resonated with you and brought you here, welcome!

  • Did my story resonate with you?
  • Do you want to see the impact having more success could make in your life?
  • Did you want to learn more about the book or elearning courses?
  • Did you just want to learn more about that voice you heard?

Whatever the reason, I'm glad you are here.

You can find the resources I mentioned on the interview here. Make sure to look around the site to learn more and/or get signed up to my Facebook Group to join in the conversation.

The Creative Courage Podcast - Matt Essam
The Get it Done Podcast - Ivan Jenkins
Niche Upon a Star Podcast - Jo Millett

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