How to Work Effectively and Efficiently

Last Updated: 

April 12, 2022

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Does doing admin make you want to do this?!

I started to get overwhelmed with analysis paralysis within my business(es).

It’s really important to put some self imposed rules in place in order to Work More Effectively and Efficiently.

Including times of “Deep Work”.

So my rules for email include:

  1. Dip in to emails 3 times a day to spot the important ones - don’t reply.
  2. Do a deeper clean of emails replying to urgent/important but spend no more than 20 minutes doing so.
  3. Twice a week do an hours deep work on email trying to achieve zero inbox (it never happens!) but I do my best.

With social media, you need to be looking at how productive is it. I bet social does get you clients but it’s not relative to the income they raise.

If 20% of your revenue comes from clients gained through social media, then only 20% of your marketing effort should be spent on social.

If 80% came from word of mouth 80% of your marketing time should be spent nurturing existing client relationships.

Outsource the bookkeeping.

Chase invoices once a week only.

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