What You Will Need to Consider When Starting Your Own Small Manufacturing Business

Last Updated: 

May 18, 2023

When you start your own small manufacturing business, you will have a lot on your plate. Taking decisions one at a time and giving yourself time to think is very important. Indeed, your success will be in your planning, and this is something that you must do not only to gain any financial interest from investors, but also so you can chart your progress and see what needs to be done.

However, on top of this, you will also have to consider some other important factors.

Key Takeaways: Starting a Small Manufacturing Business

  1. Choose the Right Premises: Select a suitable location considering factors like noise, accessibility, parking, and public transport options for employees.
  2. Ensure Product Quality: Focus on using high-quality components and materials, partnering with specialized suppliers like polychemistry.com to ensure the best results.
  3. Hiring Employees: Consider using employment agencies, hiring directly, or outsourcing departments. Weigh the pros and cons of temporary versus permanent staff for your specific needs.
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1. The Correct Premises for Your Business

Although you may want to keep your business within your home, it is likely that this is not going to be possible. Some manufacturing businesses have machinery, which can cause a lot of noise, or work with products that can cause fumes. Neighbours in a residential area are not going to be best pleased if they find they are subjected to any of these. So, it stands to reason that you are going to have to look elsewhere for your business premises.

When looking for the perfect location to set up your manufacturing business, you will have to consider some very important areas besides cost. For instance, how are you expecting your employees to get to your business address? If you are thinking of driving, then you will have to select somewhere with plenty of parking either on the premises or close by. If you are thinking of public transport, then you should ensure that there are plenty of bus routes that pass by, or a train station within walking distance.

2. Product Quality

No doubt, you are going to want to supply your customers with the very best product, and it is important to note that your product will only be as good as the components you put in or use and the skill of those completing the work.

If, for instance, you have a mould shop on site, then you will undoubtedly be looking at obtaining the best polymer for the job. Of course, you are going to want to select well-established and highly specialised polymer companies like polychemistry.com to secure your polymer stock. This way, if you have any questions or require advice about the products you are purchasing, you know that you will be in the hands of those qualified enough to help you.

3. Hiring Employees

Of course, you are going to have to hire some employees to help you complete your orders and get your business off the ground. There are three ways you can go about this. You can get in contact with your local employment agency and see if they will supply you with temporary staff, seek to hire individuals yourself, or look to outsource personnel or businesses.

When it comes to getting experts involved or hiring whole departments, such as the IT department or HR department, you may find it best to use outsourcing personnel or businesses. This is because they will be far cheaper than hiring these people yourself.

However, when it comes to the difference between hiring temporary workers or employing workers, there is a deliberation to be had. Temporary workers may come with knowledge, and you could have a steady supply of them, but they may not be so interested in the well-being of your business or the products that they are producing, due to either looking for employment elsewhere or not having the correct attitude.

Of course, this could very well be the case for those that you employ yourself, but it is more likely that those you will employ will be a little bit more interested in your business and may even look at it as their own, providing excellent work, timekeeping, and minimal absences.

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